The Christian Center orignally started out to be my Family's website, on free pages provided by Angelfire Communications. The site was created in April of 1997.
On one of the pages, I began listing sites that had the Bible online. Once I realized how many Bibles there were on the Internet, I moved my family's pages off the site, to make room, and I renamed the site The Christian Center. I reorganized the Bible links, and gave the sites descriptions for their content. As I received more visitors, I began getting requests to start Christian Links pages.
Eventually, I ran out of room at Angelfire, (200k at the time), and moved here to GeoCities, where they now provide 11 MB of storage and some advanced features for free.
Everything on this site is done out of my Love for the Lord! I have dedicated this site to lifting up Him and His word.
In February 1998, we opened our Online Store, which is in association with We receive a small percentage of the sales made from books purchased through our site. We are dedicating all funds made through this arrangement to goto placing The Christian Center on the GeoPlus program, thus free of the Geoguide and pop-up advertisments. We pray that we will achieve the necessary funds before the end of 1998. Should you wish to contribute to our goal, please contact us by E-mail.
As for me, I am currently on Active Duty, in the U.S. Air Force, stationed at Schriever AFB, Colorado. I was saved while on a Tour of Duty at Kadena AB, Okinawa, Japan. After the Lord entered into my life at this late of age, I struggled to understand what the Lord expected of me. I had not read the Bible, but I new what it was, I thought, back then. As I started reading into the word, I felt the Lord guiding me to spread His word.
Upon relocating to the United States, I started to surf the web a lot. I found some really good Christian sites, but few leaning on the Word of God. I decided to find as many online Bibles as I could, and gather their links in central site. Most sites that I visited only had a few, and most listed the same ones. I wanted to try and list them all! Every chance I get, I use the search engines, browse Christian Commercial sites, and browse many Christian Personal sites, to find more and more Bibles. What you won't find here are sites that use the Bible from another site, and making it look like their own hard work. That, I consider is to be disgraceful. All of the sites listed on these pages, are what I consider to be work that is serving the Lord.
©1998, by The Christian Center |
Site Disclaimer: The Christian Center is not responsible for material contained in any external links and pages. We have reviewed all sites when they were initially listed, but content may have changed. Any and all information gathered in this site, such as: Name, E-mail, etc. will never be given to a third party.