What's Happening At the Reunion

Well this site is what's new. It was created by Cliff Sleeman, your host, in Richmond, VA and will evolve based on ideas and suggestions from you. What would assist you in digging back into the past. How about some of the following possibilities that you can contribute to?

Movies about Sleemans
(yes there was at least two)
Books By and About Sleemans
Cemeteries of Interest Ships' Passenger Records
Photos (especially old ones) Maps
Old deeds Sleeman Scouts
Letters (scanned originals or copies) Court Houses with info
Genealogy Sleeman "Stories" and "Quips"
The oldest documented Sleeman Genealogy trips & destinations
Favorite Genealogy Links Can you think of something for
this box?

Dig out your documentation, stew over your ideas and send them before the dog chews up your papers. Who knows what connections you might be able to make? Don't forget to put "Sleeman" in the subject line.
