The PRUGH/JAY Family Histories
The PRUGH family history is being maintained/expanded by Bill Prugh. The JAY, ORR, HANEY and SAVAGE family histories shown here are what I currently have. Future editions will include more extensive JAY, ORR and HANEY/SAVAGE family histories that are being developed by related genealogists. I have acquired the other PRUGH history which traces their lineage to a different immigrant, namely, Philip Brugh.
As these are primarily descendant trees, individuals are identified by using a modified Henry system of numbering (i.e., by birth order). Note that an "A" is 10th, a "B" is 11th, etc. It is also known that there are errors in the ID numbering because of birthdates being missing at the time of assignment.
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For changes/additions contact: Bill Prugh My Ancestry 5681 Willow Twig Lane Dayton, OH 45459-1151Full Name INDEX Sections:
Home | Surname Index | Descendants of Jakob BRUCH (PRUGH). Descendants of John JAY. | Descendants of James Ellsworth ORR. Descendants of Samuel HANEY. | Descendants of Samuel S. SAVAGE. Descendants of Philip BRUGH (PRUGH).Copyright 1997-2004 by William L. Prugh. All rights reserved. Last updated February 9, 2004.