The PRUGH/JAY Family Histories

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Descendants of Jakob BRUCH (PRUGH). [German origin] | PRUGH Portraits
Descendants of Philip BRUGH (PRUGH). [Dutch origin]

Note: Other researchers have stated that there are errors in the Philip Brugh tree, but have provided no specifics.

Descendants of John JAY.
Descendants of James Ellsworth ORR.
Descendants of Samuel HANEY.
Descendants of Samuel S. SAVAGE.

Note: Other researchers have stated that there are errors in the Savage tree, but have provided no specifics.

The PRUGH family history is being maintained/expanded by Bill Prugh. The JAY, ORR, HANEY and SAVAGE family histories shown here are what I currently have. Future editions will include more extensive JAY, ORR and HANEY/SAVAGE family histories that are being developed by related genealogists. I have acquired the other PRUGH history which traces their lineage to a different immigrant, namely, Philip Brugh.

As these are primarily descendant trees, individuals are identified by using a modified Henry system of numbering (i.e., by birth order). Note that an "A" is 10th, a "B" is 11th, etc. It is also known that there are errors in the ID numbering because of birthdates being missing at the time of assignment.

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For changes/additions contact: Bill Prugh              My Ancestry
                               5681 Willow Twig Lane
                               Dayton, OH  45459-1151
Full Name INDEX Sections:
? | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Home | Surname Index | Descendants of Jakob BRUCH (PRUGH).
Descendants of John JAY. | Descendants of James Ellsworth ORR.
Descendants of Samuel HANEY. | Descendants of Samuel S. SAVAGE.
Descendants of Philip BRUGH (PRUGH). 
Copyright 1997-2004 by William L. Prugh. All rights reserved. Last updated February 9, 2004.