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Wow! Somebody wants to know about me??
Well, you already know my name is Nikki.
I'm 20 years old and I live near Chicago, IL.
It's been FOREVER since I've updated my site!.
I recently moved to the Chicago area. Got a great job at a great company :)
I rather enjoy playing instruments. :)
And playing fiddle is the best! :))
Too bad I had to stop playing last year due to tendonitis! WAAH :((
I enjoy talking on mIRC. It's a chat program and you
can download it from different places on the web. If
you would like to find more information about it
you can go to www.mirc.co.uk.
I've been to Germany twice,
and within 5 years I hope to be living there. :)
At this point, though, it looks like I'll have to wait a little longer for that.
Although, the company I work for is an international company
*GRINS* So I could end up somewhere else which would be equally awesome!
Well, I guess you're probably getting bored reading about
me now, so that's all I'm going to put here. Have fun
with the rest of the site! :)