



District Information















Olivia Brady

Councilmember – Second District


Second Council District boundaries (from the Norristown Home Rule Charter)


Beginning at a point, a corner, at the intersection of the middle of Beech Street with the middle of Stanbridge Street; then proceeding along the middle of Beech Street in a Southeasterly direction to the middle of Haws Avenue; then proceeding in a Southwesterly direction along the middle of Haws Avenue to the middle of West Elm Street; then proceeding along the middle of West Elm Street in a Easterly direction to the middle of Swede Street; thence proceeding in a Southerly direction along the middle of Swede Street to the middle of Jacoby Street; then proceeding along the middle of Jacoby Street in a Easterly direction to the middle of Green Street; thence proceeding in a  Southerly direction along the middle of Green Street to the middle of Oak Street; then proceeding in an Easterly direction along the middle of Oak Street to the middle of Arch Street; then proceeding in a Southerly direction along the middle of Arch Street to the Southerly boundary of the Borough in the middle of the Schuykill River; then proceeding in a Westerly direction along the middle of the Schuykill River the various courses and distances to the middle of Stanbridge Street projected; then proceeding in a Northerly direction along the middle of Stanbridge Street to the middle of Beech Street, the point of the beginning. 


Voting Places in the Second District


Norristown 2-1


Grace Lutheran Church

506 Haws Ave



Norristown 2-2


SAAC Center of Montgomery County

Airy & George Sts



Norristown 2-3


St. Patrick's Hall

DeKalb & Chestnut Sts
