' 5 7  M a t a d o r
Warmest of Welcomes to you one and all.

A "'57 Matador", Richard 'Rich' Mays, signed up on 04/18/98 12:04:44 PDT, and set right up.
I like to explore Technical things & People things, and so the true purpose here, is:
Classmates / Reunions / Yesterday / Today / Tomorrow

San Gabriel High School - July 17, 1998


I've set up this page, this place, for every Matador who cares to drop in.
It's primarily for those of us who left SGHS from '56 thru '60,
and though older than the multitudes that have followed us,
we have certainly NOT forgotten our Alma Mater.

There were 293 of us in that graduating class of '57.
Less than half are accounted for as of today, April 18, 1998.
I find that sad, and I'm out to try to do something about it.



H O T  N E W S
Class of '57 - 50 year reunion

See 'Reunion Committee News' bleow.


- - - - - - - 5-6-98 - - - - - - -
I had decided not to start a list here until I had made contact
with 20 people to list on it.
On May 6th, I spoke on the phone with Dan Brophy.
Dan was number 20; the list went up.

H a p p y  B i r t h d a y
' 5 7  M a t a d o r.

Shortly after putting up the list I thought it might be neat to have email links
so we could communicate with each other in this very up-to-date way.

Lucia (Gardiner) Hennen
was the first to authorize posting her email address here.
Congratulations and Thank You, Lucia.

I'll post the newest names in this color
for 60 days +/- after adding them.

Class of '57
Victor D. Abasta
Bev (Adams) Haas
Susan (Adams) Clark
Dana (Anderson) Needels
Hal Anderson
Marcia (Anderson) Winn
Harold Arenstein     
Bob Arp
Arthur Arquette
Tom Atkinson
John Baeyertz
Bill Barash
Roy Baughman     
Diana (Beechler) Simms
Charles Bejeck    
Ann (Bender) Craig      puppytoes63@juno.com
Judy (Berge) Schwab
Lynne (Berry) Herbert
Norma (Berry) Jacobs
Jeff Bertram   chrisjefflegal@linkline.com
Glenn Blanset
Barbara (Borel) Boukather
Daniel Brophy
Richard Bucich
Wesley Buck
Jim Camp   

Oswaldo Cano
Chuck Carey
Tom Carey
Ken Carrell
Sonja (Carroll) Acuff
Terry Cervantes
Annette (Charlton) Verdugo
Richard H. Clarke
Bill Clune   

Leslie Coffman, Jr.
Kenneth Colby
Neil Coleman
Gene Conradi
Diana Converse
Richard L. Coop
Don Cousino    

Michele (Coutts) Nelson
Edison Crayne
Penelope J. (Crowe) Hutcheson
Sandra (D'Angelo) Shirley
Patricia A. (Dahl) Richardson
Sally (Day) Mason
Alan Dean
Joyce (Dearing) Wood      

Robert Delgadillo
David Delmar   

Adeline (Diaz) Martinez
Valerie (Donahue) Roberts
Howard Drake
Jean (Duguid) Walker
Nancy (Edwin) Simerly
Calvin Ellisor
Elaine (Ellman) Douglas
Judy (Elmburg) Stover
Sanford Evans
Lois (Ewing) Best
Lawrence Farthing
Patricia (Flanagan) Rubino
William Florence
Dick Flotho
Dennis Floyd
Mary (Fraizer) Streeter      

Gary Frasier
Edgar O. Frank
Judith D. (Fread) Chaille     
Jim Friebus
Louis Gallego
Lucia (Gardiner) Hennen    
Barbara (Geiger) Mendes     tapper7@aol.com
Lana (George) Peterson     lanap368@dc.rr.com
Sherry (Giles) Cummings
Carol Lee (Gill) Karlin
John M. Glenn
Celia (Gomez) Sanchez
Jacquelyn (Goodman) Loomis      

Beverly (Gresko) Hartman
Clifford J. Grover
Ken Gruenkorn
Florence (Gunning) Smith
John J. Gurrola
Robert Gwyn
Mary Johnette (Hagen) Noah
Ken Hanrahan
Kathleen (Hardy)Trepp     
Frank Havens, Jr.
Diana (Hayes) Wagner    

Lynne (Henderson) Barnes
Gary Hepler
Delia (Hernandez) Fabela
Marion Hiyoshida
James Holmes
John Holmes
Rich Holter
Katherine (Holtom) Jones, Phd.
Nancy (Hooker) Kanigher
Kathleen (Howard) Shippey
Kari (Hulbert) Cantu
Peggy (Hutton) Russell
Nancy (Hyde) Mason       

Darlene M. (Johnson) Worrell
Glenn Johnson
Wallace Jones

Arlene (Jucevic) Blackburn
Carolyn (Kaestner) Auburn
Phil Keathley
Carol (Kellog) Hoertig
Carol (Klingman) Svedeen     

Janet (Krull) Simpkins
Lynda (Lambe) Kennedy
Jack Lampert
Andrea J. (Larkcom) Dunigan
Ronald Lawless
C. Littleton Lewis
John Lewis
Sharon (Liehr) Witt       

Soncha (Ling) Bouchard
James A. Livesey
Flack Logan
Cornelius Lopez
Marion (Lott) Horchar
Diann (Lowder) Sayre
Bob Lukesh
Ralph Marin
Patricia (Marriott) DeBolt
Joan Marsh
Patricia (Martin) Lawless
Ronald Martinsen
Enid (Masters) Woods
Robert A. Matano
Ben Mathews
Richard Mays     

Gary McDonald
Joan (McGee) Ray
Dale McGuffin
Suzanne (McHaley) Doyle
Terrence A McNalis
Frank Najera

Mel Melsheimer
Bernard (Bernie) Miller
Robert Miller
Edward Mitzner
Gary Moore
Joe Niccoli
Sandy (Oliphant) Jones     

Dennis Page
Gary Paschal
Greg Patchen
Ray Payne
Ernest Perez
George M. Pfrimmer
Richard Phipps   

Lila (Pickering) Wiegand
Joanne (Pietromonaco) Schmidt     
Mary (Plumb) Estey
Maargaret (Ramirez) Dominguez
Katherine (Relitz) Henslee
Gloria (Reyes) Salazar
Elizabeth (Riley) Olson
Patricia (Rissi) Chaille
Randall Robbins     
Dorothy (Rosenthal) McNiff
Judith (Routt) Reifer
Mike Rugless
Daniel Russell
Paul Saben
Charles Scanlon
Stevan Scheff
Arnold Schoeman
Rollin Scholfield
Vicki (Schott) Kermode
Jim Singer
Shirley (Skaling) Rink
Judy (Slusser) Wolter
Marvin Smith
Marilyn (Sparling) Vignolo
Janet (Squires) Smith
Quade Stahl
Marian (Steinbach) Batten     

Robert Stender
Susanne (Strandberg) Beckner
Joan (Tapp) O'Daniel
Ron Trepp
Anthony J. Valverde
Thomas P.Vargas
Walter Varnes   &bsp;wvarns@msn.com

Penni (Vaught) Greer     pgreerrn@pon.net
Lois (Vogel) Certa
Carolyn (White) Defreitas
Lynna (White) Youngerman
Cheryl (Whitley) Briggs
Leanne (Whittingham) Sheetz
Maurine (Whittset) Juarez
Michael Williams     
David Wilson
John Wolfe
Elizabeth (Yamasaki) Nishiyama
Paul Young
Richard Young
Sharon Zundel
Margaret (Zuniga) Lopez

Class of '56
Richard Almanza
Fred Appleton
Pat Aronson  
Joe Asbury
Ron Ballinger
Lynn Barger
Raymond Bauer
Wm. Blanset
Judith (Blohm) Gorian
Allison Blevans
John Bogue
Patrick Brady
Betti-Lee (Ceremony) Gill
John Chapman
Christina (Dahl) Weightman
Tom Dearing
Robert DeFreitas
David DeHaven
Phyllis (Delgado) Gonzales
JoAnn (Dillon) Paul
Lois (Dodge) Gott
Robert Dominguez
Terry Donahue
Robert Eix
Ilene(Erickson) Hutchinson
Ralph Espalin
Gail (Frampton) Lansdon
Walter Garcia
JoAnn E. (Goodes) Banks
Gary Grady
Melva (Green) James
Kathryn (Hamm) Meddles
Louise (Haserot) Stettler
Elinor (Hill) Hill-Courtney        
Dana (Donna Humelbaugh) Kyle      Danak@home.com
Diane E. (Hunt) Rummer
Don Huntley
Ernest Janzen
James Jensen
Kay (Johnson) Dornbusch
Pete Johnson
Steven J. Johnson
Robert Jones
Pat (Jurney) Henderson
Camille (Kam) Wong    
Edward R. Kennedy
Hiko Kobayashi
Guy Logan
William Marchant
Barbara (Marohn) Wiebe
Pug (McMahon) Cunningham
Dan McPhee
Sheila (Moke) Grothe
Louise (Montana) Hernandez
Patricia (Moran) Lee
Fred Nelson
Vivian (Nieto) Vargas
Karen (Norris) Hoffman
Thomas Parkin
Wm. Patchen
Jack Paulson
Linda (Reinhardt) Koen
Joyce (Rhodes) Wilson
Tom Robertson
Rudy Rodriguez
Mike Rose
Rosendo Salazar
Nancy (Schwartz) Biggs     
Carson Serviss
Marianne (Shurtleff) Baird
Margie (Sivertsen) Finlay
Dale Smartt
Sandra (Smillie) Rhodus
Neil Steadman
Wm. Strachan
Jim Stumpf
Jack Swanton
Sandra (Sweeley) Helvey
Frank Urias
Nancy Walters
Sandra K. (Wilson) Chase
Gretchen (Ziegler) Holmes

Yes! The e mail addresses ARE active links.
Click on them to send an e mail to a friend.

If you would like your email address posted here you will need to send me an email stating: "Please post my email address on the '57 Matador page", or words to that specific effect. It has been, and will remain my policy to protect and preserve personal privacy and security of those listed. Email addresses will be posted ONLY after receipt of such authorization.
I now have over 200 email addresses, including those posted above. If you'd like to email someone whose address is NOT posted, let me know. If I have their address, I'll forward your request.

It makes me VERY happy each time I can add
just one more name to our list.

Please think hard about anything you know or remember about anyone whose name is on either missing list and email or call me and I WILL persue any clue you may provide, and will continue as long as I am able to do so. My deepest gratitude to those who have helped and whose information has led to someone being found.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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We Remember . .
-   -   -   -   -   1 9 5 6   -   -   -   -   -
Palmer Albers - Janet (Calverly) Harstad - Jean (Cape) Oman
James C. Chambers - Pat Farley - Joseph G. Hobson - John D. Holmes
John Kirkpatrick - Monika (Person) Kirchoff - Col. John D. Macartney
Don E. Priestly - Charles Rader - Ted A. Rissi - Sanadra G. Sweeley
Mary Ann (Taguchi) Yamamoto - Arthur M. Viereck

-   -   -   -   -   1 9 5 7   -   -   -   -   -
Richard Adams - Daniel Alne - Lloyd Auburn
Judy (Behnke) Van Huecklyn - Charles R. Bick - Norma Jean (Brown) Avon
Albert J. Cartlidge, Jr. - William R. Chapin - Patricia Carmichael
Douglas Donaldson - Elaine (Crayton) Greenman - David (Jim) Cummings
Benjamin Cutter, Jr. - Bob Douglas - Gary Flynn - Neil Fosnaugh
John Friebus - Thomas Giannini - Margot (Hahn) Clayton - Albert Holman
Victoria (Ilgen) Skelton - Marsha Kleinman - Evelyn (Landa) Dembrowski
Michael Laughlin - David Ledden - David A. McAllister - James Melbon
Frank R. Mena - Dennis O. Neagle - Anthony Noertker - Bruce Norton
Betty Pollard - Dr. Clark G. Reynolds, Ph.D. - Roger Roscamp - Jane Tapp
Donald Tice - Sharon (Tiearney) Clampett - Joe Valencia - Mashall Webb
Sharon Winchester - William Wolff

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
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Dr. Clark G. Reynolds

Click for larger picture
Click image to see more easily readable copy

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= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

In Memoriam

I have received notice of the passing of Mary Hubbel Goldie, class of '58.
Mary was a fellow believer in the alumni bond we all share and
a worker for reunion efforts for more than her own class.
I have no details at this writing, but will look for and post as soon as I have them.

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> > >  R e u n i o n  2 0 0 7  < < <
50  Y E A R S ! !


I am working on a feature about our 50 year reunion which will include a list of attendees. Those who could not attend will be able to see who we have been able to reconnect with, and can contact me if you would like to contact someone who was there. Be informed that while the turn out was outstanding, there are those who we have located, but who could not attend, so if you're looking for someone let me know and I'll help you get in touch if I have their info.  


Reunion 2001 News
Beverly (Adams) Haas     Frederick Appleton     Alvin Aronson, Jr.
John Baeyertz     Ron Ballinger     Raymond Bauer
Roy Baughman     Diana (Beechler) Sims     Charles Bejcek
Judith (Berge) Schwab     Lynn (Berry) Herbert     Norma (Berry) Jacobs
Jeffrey Bertram     Allison Blevans     Richard Bucich
James Camp     Particia Carmichael     Sonja (Carroll) Acuff
Terry Cervantes     John Chapman     Bill Clune
Donald Cousino     Michelle (Coutts ) Nelson     Ben Cutter, Jr.
David Delmar     Lois (Dodge) Gott     Terry Donahue
Valerie (Donahue) Roberts     Howard Drake     Jean (Duguid) Walker
Calvin Ellisor     Sanford Evans     Patricia (Flanagan) Rubino
Gail (Frampton) Lansdon          Lewis Gallego     Lucia (Gardener) Hennen
Barbara (Geiger) Mendes     Lana (George) Peterson     John (Mike) Glenn
Jacqueline (Goodman) Loomis     Gary Grady     Melva (Green) James
Kenneth Hanrahan     Lynne (Henderson) Barnes     Elinor Hill – Courtney
Dr. Katherine (Holtom) Jones     James Holmes     Nancy (Kanigher) Hooker
Donna (Hummelbaugh) Kyle     Louise (Montano) Hernandez     Glenn Johnson
Robert Jones     Arleen (Jucevic) Blackburn     Toshihiko (Hiko) Kobayashi
Ronald Lawless     David Ledden     Guy Logan, III
Charles Logan     Bill Lowry     Enid (Masters) Woods
Richard Mays     Gary McDonald     Pug (McMahon) Cunningham
Dan McPheee     Mike McPhee     Edward Mitzner
Nancy (Moltane) Cummings     Vivian (Nieto) Vargas     Karen (Norris) Hoffman
Sandra (Oliphant) Jones     Gary Paschal     Gregory Patchen
William Patchen     Patricia Perveler     Richard Phipps
Gloria (Reyes) Salazar     Dr. Clark Reynolds     Patricia (Rissi) Chaille
Judith (Saben) Hying     Paul Saben     Charles Scanlon
Nancy (Schwartz) Biggs     Rollin Scholfield     Vicki (Schott) Kermode
Mariann (Shurtleff) Baird     Barbara (Shurtleff) Bazeghi     James Singer
Margie (Sivertsen) Finlay     Dale (Tom) Smartt     Marvin Smith
Sandra (Smillie) Rhodus     Marian (Steinbach) Batten     Joan (Tapp) O’Daniel
Penelope (Vaught) Greer     Cheryl (Whitley) Briggs     Maurine (Whitsett) Juarez
Leanne (Whittingham) Sheetz     Lynna (White) Youngerman     Paul Young
Gretchen (Ziegler) Holmes

Contact Jim Camp



Class of ’56 Not Found
Abelina M. Arce – Lynn Barger – Bonnie M. Benson - Georgia L. Benson
Chuck Bolton - Dale R. Booth – Patrick L. Brady – Rieta Briney
Frederick W. Brown - Richard D. Carter – Joe Cervantes - Consuelo Chavez
Yvonne Therese Cheswick – Phyllida C. Clayton - Harry Dennis Depert
Carol DeRose – Eugene J. Diaz - Susan Eckert
Jeanne Ewaniak - Carlos J. Garcia - John D. Goodwin - Robert L. Griffiths
Louise Haserot - Nancy E. (Hays) Scott - Nellie M. Helm – Ronald E. Hennessey
Gloria E. Hernandez – John H. Herring - Joseph G. Hobson – Wm. P. Hoffman
Diane E. Hunt – Mary Lynn Jensen – Richard Jensen
Steven J. Johnson - Edward R. Kennedy – Jean Pearl Loney – Mary L. McCall
Roger B. McFarland – Carl H. Nietman – Harriet E. Omer – Jack H. Paulson
Joe E. Perez – Ann Marie Petric - Sherril Pipkin - Linda C. (Reinhardt ) Koen
Mary L. Ridpath - David B. Robinson – Joe A. Rodriguez
Mary H. Saucedo – Gwen V. Schmitt - Wallace Shaw - Thomas K. Stanford
Craig Stevens - Gloria Thompson - Beatrice J. (Trainor) Jennings
Ralph A.Vogel - George Ann Wagner – Tony Watson
Mary Lou T. Whalen - Dave Wolford - Antonio Zuniga

Class of ’57 Not Found
Barbara I. Bailey – Carol A. Bartlett - Mary J. Belcoff – Sondra K. Bell
Charles R. Bick – Lynne Boydston - Marjorie M. (Briggs) Ferris
Michael K. Boll – Sharon L. Buckner - Francisco Burruel
Joanne M. Cernelli - Joyce B. Christian - C. Leslie Coffman, Jr.
Sandra Duncan – Barry Dworetsky - Ann Sherry Elder
Margaret Fuertes - Terry K. Garr – Marilyn Gaston - Diane (Heath) Shinn
Janet S. Henderson - Judith Lewiston - Shirley R. (Higley) Rush - Bob Hillis
Margaret Jiminez - Darlene M. Johnson – Judy M. Johnson
Judy A. (Jordan) Martin - Helen S. Kallis - Robert E. Kimball – John P. Kinney
Jeanette M. (Long) Gustafson - Isabell J. (Lopez) Garcia – Diana L. (Lowder) Sayre
Kathryn K. MacKay - Charles Masson - David A. McAllister
Judy L. Minter - Robert A. Moeller - Gary Moore
Gloria Munje – Dorothy S. Nakamura - Bruce Norton – Barbara Powers
Terry Pivar - Gloria R. Rodriguez – James Russell
Catherine C. Schmitz – William Scott - Margaret A. (Shaffer) Marks
Laura L. Shappell – Susan D. Springer - Ronald C. Swenson – Rose M. Tantillo
Cynthia C. Thomson – James E. Turner - Aurora Varela
Laurel K. Wilson – Thomas C. Woods

PLEASE NOTE that of our yet unfound classmates, most are ladies for whom we have only maiden names, NO maried name information whatsoever! If you know ANYTHING at all about any of them PLEASE let me know, no matter how insignificant it may seem. The name of a brother or sister, older or younger, aunt, uncle, mom or dad, anything at all may be of great help, and has already been in some cases.


Go ahead! Check it out! Click now.

Visit the
SGHS Reunion Contacts
and Alumni Information website.

Click on the logo above, take a look around.
The URL is   http://sghs-alumni.org
Immeasureable and Heartfelt Thanks to Victor Sandoval,
without whose help none of this would have been possible.
Thanks also, to all of you who have responded,
kept in touch, and have shown you care.


Click here to get the news!

Click here to get the news!

^ ^         ^ ^


Click for larger picture

Sandy Jones & Rich Mays
at school - July 17, 1998

(Click picture for larger image.)




' 5 6  - ' 5 7  R E U N I O N  C O M M I T T E E  N E W S

Click for Reunion Committee News

Plans are under way for a reunion cruise
early in 2009.
Click here to visit the
San Gabriel 57 Reunion
web site for the latest information.

UPDATED 10-12-08
Still awaiting info. for reunion piece.


-  T O D A Y  &  T O M O R R O W  -


July 3, 2008
Nancy and I stopped for a short visit with Gayle and Wayne Stanley on Thursday.
Click to read about Vacation 2000
(Click pictures for larger image.)

Click for larger picture
Chuck Bejcek & Rich, July 7
Le Meridien Hotel, Downtown Dallas,TX
Click for larger picture
Sharon, Asa, Jeff, Rich & Lana in Hemet, July 9
Click for larger picture
Gary Grady, Al Blevans, Rich Mays, & Jim Camp in San Gabriel, July 11
We gathered to begin a Runion Committee and get it all going, for real.

Click for larger picture Click for larger picture
Marilyn & Rich      July 13, in Bakersfield      Lucia & Rich

Click for larger picture
Daughter Tracy remembered that Dad has always wanted to give
the sailplane a try, and made a lesson his birthday present.
Here I am July 14 about 5,000 ft. above the Tehachapi area.
(I'll do that again!!)



Click to see highlights of Vacation '99

George & Enid, Rich & Nancy by the lake

Ben Cutter & Rich at Ben's

If it appears that I may be having way too much fun here,
it could very well be because I AM.
And, I figure to keep right on doin' just that!

See all the news on the search and reunion effort to date here in
Look inside and see what's been going on.

Want a chuckle?
See me then and now.

What youngest daughter thinks about dad and 'puter
Another kicker

Click on an 'El Camino Real' below.
Check the list of classmates who graduated in that year.
Maybe you can help add names to the 'FOUND' lists.

Partial class list, found/not found Class list, found/not found Partial class list, found/not found Class list, found/not found
Many Thanks to Larry Champion, Sandy (Brouse) & Norman DeHaven, and Karen (Schulz) Dyer
for their much appreciated contributions of cover scans and class lists needed to complete
this set of Aunnuals from our first four years.

Please, Please sign our guestbook back at
Rich's Place
so we will all know you were 'here'.

Last updated 09-21-09

Come back and visit often!

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