-- The FHLC (Family History Library Catalog) is a listing of all of Salt Lake's holdings. Most may be ordered for use in this library.
-- The IGI (International
Genealogical Index) is the same as on microfiche only quicker and is able to group families together under the parent index.
-- The ANCESTRAL FILE is a compilation of genealogical information submitted by members and patrons. Pedigrees and family
groups can be located, as well as the name and address of the person/persons who submitted the information, so you can contact them to exchange information.
-- The SSDI (Social Security Death Index) is a listing of people who had a social
security number, who have died and a claim was made for death benefits.
-- The MILITARY INDEX lists individuals in the U.S. Military who died in either the Korean or Vietnam wars from 1950 through 1975.