This has to be the one that gets to me the most...When my neighbors walk their dog and then stops in MY yard to let them poop ! Then I step in "it".....I get so mad when I go to check my mail or get in my car and "it" is right there.... Would they walk them in their own yard or stop them right by their mail box ?
When people say " I'm so broke", and have several thousand dollars or more in the bank !!!! BROKE is having... NO money in savings .... and living pay day... to... pay day.
When a parent say.." I just don't know what I am going to do about "little Johhny", he just won't mind...BUT YET they won't correct him !!!
Signing on AOL and NOT hearing "you've got mail"...hehehehe
Now on a more serious matter with AOL.. *S* when I am in the middle of "something important" and I get cut off with this message......
HANDICAP PARKING !!! Oh this really gets my goat....I could write a book on this one ...What do we have to put on these sign for people to understand what they mean ?...It doesn't mean you can park there "just for a minute" It means it is for the handicapped.. I think that people should have the courtesy to leave these spaces open for people who really need them, not for you to park there cause you are only going to be there
People going through the express check out with 30 things instead of 10 or less !!!
Peolpe speeding through school zones
Seeing someone buy a diet coke and a candy bar and then bitching cause they can't lose weight *S*
People who scratch off lottery tickets while others are waiting in line behind them.
Going through a drive thru and having them ask you " would you like $#@$@# with it ?" Well if I had wanted it ... I would of ASKED for it ....
...People who don't turn down their high-beam headlights when they're coming at you
...Rain after I spent all morning washing my car *S*
Putting the toilet paper on upside -down !!!!