I love the Lord with all my heart,and am a gloriously saved Christian. He has been so good to me and made my life whole. I thank Him daily for his goodness, His grace and mercy, and the way He has taken care of me and my family. That is why my favorite verse is I Peter 5:7, "Casting ALL your care upon Him, for He (truly does) cares about you." I pray that I can be a living example of the love that He has shown to me, to others.  I have a deep peace and joy from within, and like it when I can impart some of that to others.

         In this hectic world we live in, sometimes it's just good to take a moment and smell the roses...and know that there is someone out there who truly cares about you. :)


In the Evening.....

Walking through the woods in  evening,
starring at the shadows of trees.
Hearing all the sounds of the woodland,
rustling and stirring of the leaves.

How my heart aches to see your countenance,
feel your touch on my outstretched hand.
Hear your tender words calling to me
sense your presence where I stand.

Shadows crawl amongst the grass and linger
as all the fears inside my heart remain.
The sounds of night draw closer,
enveloping my being once again.

I seek to find the lightness in your sunshine,
but find it lost within the nighttime sky.
Grasping for the tenderness of your gentle words
I search your scriptures again to try.

The psalms bring me to pastures,
so green, and cool and clean.
The testimonies of enduring saints
uplift my fainting heart's lost dream.

I travel down the rugged path
where your feet once did walk
And lift my eyes to see the cross
Feeling shame of all my talk.

You took my feeble shaky fears
made them your burden to bear
create in me new courage oh Lord
I’ll walk now in your care.
                                JT - 8/14/99


He stretched them out
    his arms for me
With grace enduring pain
No greater love, my needs he met
With no regrets he died.

His arms were used 
    to calm men's fears
Heal sick and lame and sore
Wrapped up the sorrows of forlorn
Held children young and small.

Then in the dawn 
    of early morn
While most were still asleep
Those arms again he stretched for me
To rise out from the grave.

No longer would death 
    weigh them down
Or shrouded threads keep still
He stretched his arms enfolding me
To save me from death's chill.

Engulfed now in
    love's warm embrace
World's fears on every hand
They touch me not nor block my path
My life held safely in his care.


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