1. Must be a clean wholesome site, with no pornography.

2. Must have all links connecting.

3. It'll be nice to sign my guestbook, to let me know you
were here!

4. Also, so I know who wants my award:0)) And, who to give
it to.

5. The fun of applying for an award, is to see which one you get, but you can also list in your email which one you would like to receive, so email me if you'd like to receive one of these awards.

This is my very first award, I've ever created. I also wanted to thank a very dear friend of mine, (Lita for helping me, with the finished results the sparkles really add the perfect touch, and thanks for DeAnna who is also a good dear friend, for these ideas...) Because, so many nice people gave me awards, I want to do the same for them!!!

This award is for the most Enchanting and Excellent site, I will personnally surf through all of your site too, check it out.

This is one of the most difficult awards to apply for, one of my finest Pictures of the Oklahoma sunset!
Email me here, Debbs for your Award