Did You Know?

* In 1986, 2.09 million children were reported as abused and neglected; by 1995, that number rose to 2.96 million, an increase of 42 percent?

* African-American children represent 52 percent of children in family foster care, yet comprise only 15 percent of children in the general population?

* 35 percent of all children with confirmed reports of abuse or neglect are under the age five; 85 percent of children who died as a result of abuse and neglect are also under the age of five?

* Over one in five children in the U.S.A. are poor. The number of children living in poverty increased 65 percent from 1974 to 1994?

* The number of children in foster care increased 74 percent from 1986 to 1995?

* The 40,700 children with special needs who were adopted with federal subsidies between 1983 and 1987 saved state and federal government an estimated $1.6 billion in future foster care administrative costs!

From "Child Abuse and Neglect: A look at the States, 1997" and "CWLA Stat Book and the 1997 National Kids Count Data Book."

Graciously shared with Cheryl by Leigh Helms.


More percentages for the statistically minded:

The following is a reflection of "out of home" placements in Missouri for the years 1990 and 1994:

1990 - 5,124 children were in care or 3.9 children per 1,000

1994 - 6,218 children were in care or 4.5 " "

1990 - 3.1 children per 1,000 were Caucasian

1994 - 3.2 children " "

1990 - 9.5 children per 1,000 were African American

1994 - 11.6 children " "

Average length of stay in 1995 was 27 months.

If you look at the 1994 stats for children entering care, 17 children entered foster care a day in Missouri! We have been on an upward trend since 1988, when the rate was 3.5 per 1,000 children.

Although minority children represented only 15% of children, they accounted for 40% of the total children in care during the year of 1994.

From: Kids Count in MO: A Report

Citizens for MO: 1995