ideas, games, web sites and more

This page is dedicated to fun ideas, games or unit studies I am doing or have done with my kids. As the saying goes kid tested and mother approved.I am going to try to add one game or web site a week to this page.


I love finding interesting things on the web that can help with our studies.


History of the Ancients
Circle Of Friends
MEXICAS-the aztecs and Maya

I love to play educational games with my three little ones. In contrast to my 5 and a half year old daughter's preschool days my 3 year old son and 2 year old daughter are playing a lot more games and having more of a self paced learning style. Don't get me wrong they still work in workbooks or on a unit study but they play a lot more games then my Baobi ever did. I have a few books I like to get learning games from. They are Totlines 123 series, Evan-Moor Early learning Games and Centers and Core of Knowlege What Your "fill in the grade" Needs To Know. There are a lot of books out there look at library and book stores for them.

Game for the week of September 20th, 1998

Going Fishing! adapted from Language Games and Centers

What you need. # of pieces of paper, a magnet, string, paperclips, tape, siccors, pencil and a stick for the fishing pole. 1.draw a number of large fish outlines on the paper. 2. write a letter, number, shape, or short sentence in the middle of the fish. 3. cut out the fish and tape paper clip to it. 4.tie magnet to one end of string and fishing pole to other end. 5. ask your child to catch the fish with the letter/sound, shape, number, or sentance you desire on it. or 6. Have them catch the fish they want and then tell you what it says on it. If they don't know throw it back. 7. you could use color paper and write the name of the color on it for a execise in colors. Or write a math fact or other subject question on the fish.

Happy Fishing!

Foot Step Treasure Hunt 10/7/98

What you need: paper, a shoe, pencil and small treasure. Start by tracing a number of foot prints using the shoe as a pattern. On each foot print write a question of something to be learned. Example 1+1=. cut out foot prints. Hide small treasure. Make foot step trail to treasure. Have child answer question on foot print one at a time. If they miss one the must start over.

This week, 10-11-98, I do not have a game I have been very busy studing my husbands language since I found a rare treasure in my public library. It is a book called Hmong For Beginners. So needless to say we have elected to study Hmong fairy tales this week. If fairy tales are of interest to you check your library for these titles: Jouanah a Hmong Cinderella. Folk Stories of the Hmong. Asian Folktales. Nine in one Grr! Grr!. The Hmong In America: We Sought Refuge Here. and Only A Toad. These have all been very enjoyable for the whole family. My husband who was sent of to boarding school at a young age has even heard some that he did not know.

Links to other sites on the Web

Kids Domain
Online Kids Activities
Parents Place
Project Gutenberg E Books
School Express Free worksheets

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