Welcome to the CARDIFF Guestbook!

Robert A. Floyd - 11/19/00 23:41:11
My Email:robary@megahits.com

I'm interested in the Prince Edward Island Cardiffs: John(b.1847), Mary(b.1849) and Thomas (b.1851). John's children were Thomas, Clara E., John, Anne, Emma, William E. Pius and Angelina. Thomas's children were Bridget, John T., Thomas P. Mary, Ambrose and Edmond. All were born in Charlottetown.

Andrew Cardiff - 11/14/00 17:59:32
My Email:stevesmail.com

Never knew so many Cardiffs existed

Andrew Cardiff - 11/14/00 17:57:51


Bad Bunny - 11/05/00 22:28:06
My URL:http://www.badbunnny.com/
My Email:bdbunny@bigfoot.com

Nizzawebsite. Dank für das Lassen ich Ihr guestbook unterzeichnen

Mary Allan-Cox - 09/23/00 15:36:16
My Email:allancox@telusplanet.net

Pat Allan referred me to your great site... Looking for Duffield names from Early Lanark.... If you have any data on Duffield/Poole connections, I would really appreciate the help. Thanks for the great site Mary

Alec Cardiff - 09/20/00 12:05:19
My Email:a_cardiff@yahoo.fr

Very very very interesting! Did not realise that there was such information on the Cardiff name

DDRajiv - 09/01/00 19:30:23
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
My Email:ddrajiv@hotmail.com


Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? We invite you to apply to the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to apply to join our web ring.

Harold Tennant - 08/19/00 03:37:35
My Email:stenn150@mindspring.com

Great book.

Billy Cardiff - 05/08/00 21:00:53
My Email:bcardiff@hotmail.com

Hi, neat site. I am wondering where that book you mentioned can be found. I am curious about the last name as well, and any ancestors I can trace. Thanks.

carol - 03/08/00 23:56:41
My Email:pjones2536@aol.com

The name caught my eye as i live near Cardiff,Wales in Newport .There are Newport families also ,so i've seen online

Bethany Cardiff - 03/01/00 02:06:48
My Email:bcardff@hotmail.com

Hi My name is Bethany Cardiff and I have always wondered about my fathers past. I live in Ontario, Canada and if you happen to have anything then it would be great to get in touch. My fathers name is James Bernard Cardiff, he orginally came from Yarmouth, ova Scotia. Both his father and mother have passed away. Until his mothers passing she still lived in Yarmouth. Thanks Bethany

Carol - 02/24/00 19:43:09
My URL:http://geocities.com/carolsfamily
My Email:olracer@c2i2.com

Hi, I just stopped by I am a CWS volunteer and I just started checking the "I" page, so this is my first visit to your page. I love your "painter pabe". it is bookmarked, come on over and visit my pages.

Ronald Fitzgerald - 10/20/99 19:39:33
My Email:fitzgerr@magma.ca

Excellent site and information. One of my ancestors was the Jane Cardiff who married Richard Tennant.

Barbara Farnham - 09/10/99 17:05:36
My URL:/Heartland/Prairie/6694/genealogy.html
My Email:Barbara@Farnham.net

You have done a great job with your page. I enjoyed going through it. Keep up the great work.

Marialanea Morris - 06/19/99 22:28:51
My Email:mmorris@together.net

Great Web Page!! Great research Please include the name of my great grandparents: Joseph CARDIFF Born: 1893 Died: 10 Jan 1961 in Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut (Source: Connecticut Death Index 1949-1970 - State File Number 01664, a and his wife: Spouse: Deliah J. (CARDIFF) Born: 1890 Died: 09 Apr 1958 in Stamford, Fairfield, Connecticut (Source: Connecticut Death Index 1949-1970 - State File Number 07812,

Bill Anderson - 05/28/99 10:27:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~banderson205/
My Email:billfl@atlantic.net

Great site,,I am looking for Giltinan,Gilman,Anderson and others. THANK YOU BILL

Dave - 05/04/99 01:01:45

Lots of research been done here!!! Great page!

Roger - 12/17/98 01:18:41

It's about time someone put up a website about the Cardiffs!!! There is no future without a past, so it's good to have sites like this!

Caryn aka purduegirl - 12/14/98 18:44:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~purduegirl
My Email:purduegirl@geocities.com

Keep up the good work and good luck in finding all you wish to know about your ancestors. Let me know if you ever need any help!


Heartland Bluffs Community Leader

Sharon Teeslink - 12/06/98 01:14:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3887
My Email:satees@i1.net

Just stopped by to say Hi; I'm your neighbor on the Surname Webring. Nice site!

Maiden Fair - 12/05/98 23:32:42
My URL:http://www.bigfoot.com/~doutt
My Email:doutt@bigfoot.com

I'll be anxious to see your site again. The above site is one of two genealogy sites I have. I very much enjoy History and the study of People.

Leo Nordal - 11/25/98 03:38:51
My Email:lnordal@sk.sympatico.ca

Great site Dennis! You have a lot of info and it is so easy to get around here... Leo

Barbara Paterson - 10/18/98 16:11:37
My Email:paterson@vianet

Hi Dennis - Great beginnings!!!

- 10/04/98 05:15:44

Comments:Cool page!

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