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On August 4, 1990, Heidi Seeman, the eleven year old daughter of an Air Force Sergant, was abducted from her neighborhood in Northeast San Antonio, Texas.  The search for her was initiated by her father, and grew rapidly from a small group of family and neighbors, to thousands of people in the community. With in two days of her disappearance a command post was set up by volunteers. From the command post, organizers tracked a massive amount of information about the case and coordinated the activities of thousands of people on foot, in vehicles and from the air searching more than 1,200 square miles. 

On August 23, 1990, the searchers were asked to search for another little girl, seven year old Erica Botello, who had been abducted near her home in southwest San Antonio. On August 25th, the searches ended tragically when both girls were found murdered. Heidi's body was on a ranch 60 miles north of San Antonio and Erica's was found near her home. 

According to the FBI, this search may have been the largest and most expensive search in the nation's history. For 21 days, 8,000 people searched daily and over 300,000 searched on "Find Heidi Day".  As a result of this search, the Heidi Search Center was created by volunteers who vowed to help prevent similar tragedies from ever happening again.

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