Alina's Page 1 Birth Announcement More Alina Photos Loralie's page (work in progress) Cousin Katherine's page Cousin Allen's page |
Alina was born 07:44 April 17 on a beautiful Sunday morning. She measured 7 lbs 2 oz and 20 inches. At 4 months, she cut her fist 2 teeth. Soon after, she could sit up without being propped. And started eating rice cereal and bananas :) Alina will be 5 months old next week, and is showing signs of teething again. (She was very happy for the 2 weeks after the first 2 broke through!) Alina will be 6 mos old on Monday, and is eating all sorts of things now: applesauce, peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, Cheerios. Grandma jokes that she'll be eating sandwiches for lunch, soon. Alina has four teeth now (1 top, 3 bottom) and has a consistent sleep schedule at night. In bed at 10:15, up for her first feeding at 6 am. It is now December, and Alina is 7 1/2 months old. Yesterday, she pulled herself up to stand in her play pen. She can move about in her walker, and can sort-of crawl backwards. She talks a lot of babytalk - ba-ba-ba-ba - and some days wakes up singing. Too precious! I almost forgot to mention that she now has 8 teeth, and is teething again. |
Bath time! | Rice Cereal, Yum!!! | |||||||||||||
See my two front teeth? | Four Months Old | |||||||||||||
Three Months Old | Two Months Old | |||||||||||||
One Month Old | ||||||||||||||
One Day Old | ||||||||||||||