I began my walk with the Lord without any prior knowledge of who he was or what his sacrifice meant to my life. I truly believe, in order for me to have a better understanding of these things, the Lord began to give me dreams. He began to show me spiritual things in these dreams. He showed me truths that were far beyond my human understanding. I began to see in a different light as he opened spiritual things up to me. I have written them all down and would love to share them with you. Some are very short dreams, but POWERFUL. Some are longer with a very vivid meaning. I hope you enjoy the presence of the Lord as I begin to share these with you.
To the first dream
The Crucifixion
To the second dream
My dream of the Word of Life
To the third dream
The Pouncing Tiger
To the fourth dream
From Darkness to Light
To the Fifth Dream
Here she is--Miss America
More dreams to follow please come back to read more of what the Lord showed me.