BusyBee's Diplomas:

Frames The WebTech University
"Advanced html Frames Course"
My tutor for this course was Barrie
To view the coursework,
click on my diploma
The WebTech University's
"PaintShopPro 101 Course"
My tutor was Meghan
View my course homework by
clicking on the diploma
PSP6 101
Advanced html: Tables "Advanced html Tables Course"
from WebTech University
My tutor was Missy Fox
Course homework can be viewed
by clicking on the diploma
WebTech University's
"Advanced html Forms Course"
I was tutored by Marissa
Course homework can be viewed by
clicking on the diploma
Advanced html: Forms
Basic html "html 101 Course"
from WebTech University
I was tutored by LadyT
Click on my diploma
to view coursework

To find out more about the courses offered by Web Tech University, please click here.

The images contained on this page are not public domain and are not available for download from this site.
Copyright BusyBee 1999

Member of Heartlanders2000