Jessamyn Malcolm-Manifold
Died Unborn - 18 November 1997

This page is about my unborn daughter Jessamyn, and her story.

When I found out I was pregnant with Jessamyn, I was so excited. Other than the week before she was concieved, the doctors had told me I couldn't have children. Well, it shows they're not always right.

My first pre-natal visit went fine, but at the second there was some mix up about when she was actually concieved, so they booked me in for a dating scan.

I was so excited. I was going to be able to see my baby for the first time! I waited with anticipation in the radiology waiting room, anxious to have my scan done.

When I went into the ultrasound room, I was so happy, and was unaware that the nurses answers were getting more short, and she was moving the scan away. She said she had to talk to the doctor and would be back in a minute.

While I was waiting, I heard a doctor and a nurse directly outside of my room talking about someone's baby that wasnt going well.

I was still niave to the fact that it was my child until the doctor made a cursory scan and asked if I wanted the news now or when I saw my doctor. I replied that I wanted to know then.

Then the nurse took the tissues down from the machine, and I knew it was bad. They told me that my precious angel had died 4-5 weeks earlier.

I then had to go and see the obstetrician, but had to wait to be called. So by this stage it was 11.00am and I had to sit in the waiting room watching pregnant women waiting with anticipation to see their babies, just as I had an hour before.

At approximately 2.00pm I was taken up to the Labor and Delivery ward, I had to walk past neonatal, and all the pictures on the wall of babies.

I was then put in the 'recovery room' which fortunately looked just like a regular hospital room, but there was  a phone nearby. I had to listen for an hour and a half to people ringing up their loved ones to tell them that their precious babies had been born, while my heart was shattering because I had been told that my precious angel had died.

They asked me if I wanted them to take her away in the next few days, or wait naturally;  but to wait for her to leave by herself would threaten any future chance of pregnancy. I had to sacrifice my dream for the possibility of a brighter future....

Jessamyn finally
at rest

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