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Pre-school - operates from Monday to Thursday from 8.30am to 11.30am, and on Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 11.45am to 2.45pm during the Primary School Terms. The pre-school is staffed by very well qualified supervisors, and caring competent staff. The charge is currently $7.00 a sessionfor over two-year-olds, and $7-50 for under twos. Child-care subsidies are available (phone 426-3590)or visit us during pre-school hours to get full information.

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Booking is on a week-by-week basis, generally "first come, first served" so booking-in is essential. People attending groups or courses at the House get priority as far as possible, and if you are attending something at the House, the cost is only $2 for one child or $3 for a family, with the general funds at the House subsidising this

Pre-booking must be a week ahead


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