Dedicated to My Mom!
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Dedicated to My Mom!
Dedicated to My Mom!
Dedicated to My Mom!

On July 2, 1999 my mother, Kitty Jane Sursely, passed away after a long struggle with Alzheimer's.

She was diagnosed with the horrific brain disease in June of '92.

At first, we thought it was a brain tumor.  Something that doctor's could "cure".

To our dismay, there was more then a tumor.  A dreadful piece of my mother was going to be slowly taken from her.


My mother was the smartest woman that I ever knew.  She was in Spelling Bees as a child and teenager.  She was always on the honor roll.  She was top-notch with every job she had.  Especially the job as mother, care taker, friend, teacher, cook and maid.

So, in honor of her, I have made this site.

Please reflect upon her beauty and knowledge and help stop this harmful brain disorder


Alzheimer's Association
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Thanks to the following:

Jory Web Design, Byron, Ga.