Fabienne - 11/17/00 17:32:06
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/bk230906
My Email:bk230906@skynet.be
Hi, you have a great web site. I was just sniffing around the web (collecting)and came to yours. But it was worthwhile,you have some great pics! I really enjoyed my visit! Fabienne from Belgium.
Carina - 04/28/00 02:30:11
My Email:wcgomes@aol.com
Favorite Cookie Jar: Barnums Animals
Are you a member to the ACJA: No
Gwen and Ron You Have a Beautiful Collection
Thank You For Sharing!!!!!
Terri McClure - 04/27/00 23:26:14
My Email:MAGGERLY@aol.com
Favorite Cookie Jar: Glinda, the Goodwitch
Are you a member to the ACJA: no
I, too, collect cookie jars...mostly houses. I have branched out into "Wizard of Oz" cookie jars and just have two. I have been looking for Glinda. She is beautiful! Thank you for sharing your collection. I really enjoyed looking at them all!
Jan Frye - 04/17/00 18:29:02
My Email:jfrye@mwci.net
Favorite Cookie Jar: Red Riding Hood
Are you a member to the ACJA: No
We were browsing, trying to find a price on our Winnie Pig Cookie Jar. We would appreciate it if you could tell us what you feel it is worth. We also have a Red Riding Hood and a cottage cookie jar. We aren't collectors - only interested because they we
e handed down from our mother.
Sharon - 04/14/00 00:50:04
My Email:Sparz4@showme.net
Favorite Cookie Jar: My grand mother' s old crock jar
Are you a member to the ACJA: Not yet
Neat place to visit. It's good to see a house with the same cookie jar decor!!
Donna Froehle - 03/22/00 17:46:30
My Email:drfrn@aol.com
Favorite Cookie Jar: Pooh
Are you a member to the ACJA: No
Gwen & Ron, You have a wonderful collection of jars. Keep up the good work.
LINDA S. BROWN - 03/13/00 03:26:33
Favorite Cookie Jar: DISNEYS
Donna b - 03/10/00 02:51:27
My Email:c.barningham@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Cookie Jar: Twin Winton Dutch Girl
Are you a member to the ACJA: yes
You have done a beautiful job in putting your site up. Keep up the great work.
Hugs to you!
Donna b
Beverly Sutton - 03/09/00 14:11:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/7795
My Email:sutton53@yahoo.com
Favorite Cookie Jar: American Bisque
Are you a member to the ACJA: Yes
Hi, Gwen and Ron: The site looks great! I enjoyed very much seeing your jars. A site like this is never finished, because the collecting always continues. I look forward to seeing more! Beverly
Rich Clark - 02/22/00 15:13:45
My Email:youknowit@cookiejars.net
Favorite Cookie Jar: Merlin the Magician
Are you a member to the ACJA: Yes
I am the cookie jar editor for the Open Directory Project and I am reviewing you site Gwen and Tig.
I will email you with some comments when I am done. Sandi Looked great and I think she is doing real well. Lucky to have such a great daughter to come and help in her time of need.
Donna b - 10/19/99 16:30:06
My Email:c.barningham@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Cookie Jar: have many
Are you a member to the ACJA: yes
I love your site. Keep up the good work. Will be thinking of you on the 22th.
Donna b:-)
Sandi Phillips - 07/15/99 15:36:34
My URL:http://www.hibek.net/~books/index.htm
My Email:books@hibek.net
Favorite Cookie Jar: ROFL
Are you a member to the ACJA: YES!
Gwen and Tig,
Great job on the website, I am gonna bookmark it! Thanks to both of you for all your hard work for the ACJA! We had great fun meeting you both at Nashville. Love, Carl and Sandi
donna b - 07/12/99 16:30:32
My Email:c.barningham@worldnet.att.net
Favorite Cookie Jar: T.Winton jars
Are you a member to the ACJA: yes
I love all of your jars. I am jealous.
I hope we get to meet some day.
Donna b:.)
Julie - 07/12/99 04:20:54
My Email:jdurand5@cs.com
Are you a member to the ACJA: yes
Hi Ron and Gwen,
Its wonderful! Thank you for sharing all your wonderful jars with us. I really enjoyed your site.
Smoky - 07/12/99 04:02:48
My Email:sutton53@yahoo.com
Favorite Cookie Jar: Regal/Hull LRRH
Are you a member to the ACJA: no
Looks great!!!!!!!!!!!
Ron Pahl (Tig) - 07/11/99 15:26:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~Phototails
My Email:RPTigger@aol.com
Favorite Cookie Jar: Tigger Old
Are you a member to the ACJA: Yes
Check out my Photo Tails web site. MotorSport photography.