480 S.E. DD Hwy  Warrensburg,   MO.   64093


Jesus said:

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing."

John 15:5

Good News!

How To Contact Us!

Mailing Address:
480 S.E. DD Hwy
Warrensburg, MO 64093

Office:  (660) 429-3762
Dr. Lendon Smith, Pastor

E-mail:  Pastor Smith

Glorifying God through worship, evangelism, and discipleship!

We Invite You To Worship With Us!

Sunday Worship at 10:45am

If you live in the Warrensburg area and are looking for a good Bible believing church that teaches you how to apply biblical principles to your life, we invite you to come worship with us next Sunday. We're located approximately 7 miles West of Whiteman Air Force Base, and 3 miles East of the Warrensburg city limits on the South side of DD Highway. Our address is 480 S.E. DD Hwy.

Come study God's Word with us!


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Since May 21, 2004


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