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Bishop Anstey High School Home Page

Bishop Anstey High School

St Hilary's

The Guestbooks

If you are an "Old Hilarian", go to the Hilarians Guestbook or if you are a current student, use the Bishop Anstey Students Guestbook instead.

Hilarians on the Internet

Look for your classmates of yore in our directory of Hilarians on the Internet, or submit your own information to be added.   The list is now updated within 24 hours of receiving your e-mail (promise!)


President Shirley Turpin
Vice President Avril Reid reidavri@carec.paho.org
Secretary Marguerite-Anne Moore mamoore84@hotmail.com
Treasurer Arlette Lewis
Asst Secretary Valerie Bowrin vjbowrin@hotmail.com

Committee Members
Lorraine Granderson
Corinne Mc Knight abena@trinidad.net
Cherrianne Jackman chubbzj@yahoo.com
Camille Forde camforde@yahoo.com

Principal (ex oficio) Valerie Taylor

Other BAHS Links:

Your contributions please!

All contributions are welcome, especially reports on the activities and achievements of Hilarians. You may send photographs and hardcopy to:

Nicole Grant
1096 S.W. 28th Ave
Boynton Beach, Florida 33426, U.S.A.

or you may attach text files (preferably in Microsoft Word or ASCII format) and graphic files (preferably in .gif or .jpg format) to an e-mail message to bahs@ttemail.com. Photographs will be returned, but please ensure that your name and address are on the back of each photograph sent to us.

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Page last updated 24th September 1999

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