Homepage Prospectus Curriculum Hiliarians
History Planning

Bishop Anstey High School



Geography Teacher needed immediately.  Experienced Graduate preferred but others are welcome to apply.  Please send your application in one of the following ways:

Fete 2000 details here
The fete is on Saturday 5th February 2000. There will be the same great array of food and drinks. Music will be provided by our live bands and DJs. Tickets cost $200.00 TTD.

Previous Updates

Our 77th Anniversary Celebrations

Project 2000 Update
Young Leaders 1998
Pictures from 'Pride and Prejudice'

Class Reunions

Tell us your reunion plans and we will publish them here!

The BAHS Classes of '91 & '93 are planning a reunion in Port of Spain on December 27th 1999. Right now, it is turning out to be an evening with dinner, dance (back in times of course! ;-) ) and a trip down memory lane. More details to come later, but SAVE THE DATE!

Contact information:
Vanessa Hemmings (vhem@ttemail.com), (868) 627 7644
Isha Archer (Isha.Archer@mercermc.com), (800) 343 2069, x3885

Our 75th Anniversary

We celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the school in 1996, and the Committee organised many exciting events during the year to bring us together to reminisce and enjoy each other's company. We used this occasion to publish a calendar to recognise and appreciate our Women of Worth, Hilarians who have made us proud through their achievements and successes, but moreso their contributions which make ours a better society.

Links to information on the 75th Anniversary Celebrations:

This site has been visited Counter times since 4th May 1997

The BAHS Web Site is maintained courtesy of Sputnick Services
Page last updated 24th September 1999

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