
This is a picture of how the kitchen looked when we first purchased the house in October 1995.  The cabinets appear to have been built in place, and are lined with an orange and green mushroom design contact paper.  The green stove was pretty old -- and dirty.  It smelled like old grease everytime I walked into the kitchen from the back hallway (left side of stove).  There was no dishwasher, and, the gold fridge was about 10 years old too.  The outside wall (to the right) had no insulation.  The inside wall (to the left) had wood paneling.  The wallpaper is some kind of cloth textured something  -- a perfect magnet for grease, splatters   and dust!  The ceiling is the common variety of block tiles -- yellowing and stained from a leak in the upstairs bathroom.

Hmmmn... why did we buy this house?  I continually ask myself that question while we renovate it!

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