I would like to thank the Lord for all of his blessings to me. To my Sister who help me to reach my dreams, To my father and mother, my inspirations. To URC the company who gave me a chance to have the best on the job training in my whole life. All the knowledge i have from trouble shooting to networking. To my beloved School Bulacan State University. To all my teacher, Instructors and Professor. To all the Headstart employee assigned in URC. To Headstart Open System Corp. Specially to Mam Luz. For accepting me to work as a contractual to the company. To sir Mauro jun Gameng for his assistant by introducing me to mam luz. To all headstart employee assigned in Senate of the Phils. Specially to Alner Oroceo for his support to his colleagues like me.to arnie.mike and tonhyt.

and to the three trainees of Senate. To my tita Menchie. and of course i will not forget my nephew, my friend my best friend the one and only Leonard Allan Kalbo.



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