"Selamat datang!!"
(it means "welcome" in Bahasa Malaysia, the national language of the country)
This site is created mainly to provide information on Girl Guiding in Malaysia and to expose the Malaysian culture internationally. Do feel free to use any information from this site for personal purposes (thought it might be useful for the International Guiding/Scouting badge or anything of similar sort) Oh well, let's call it a short introduction. Enjoy browsing! :o)

Don't forget to sign my guestbook!
AAAAAHHH! SPIDERS!! Mouse over those yucky (or magnificent) creatures!





If you have any inquiries please send them to KnotsnTentsATyahoo.com(Replace AT with @)

Please spare a few moments to sign my guestbook.
I'd love to hear anything from you (yes, criticisms too) :o)


E-mail Juliana at KnotsnTentsATyahoo.com

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Graphics by Jaguarwoman