Parrish Immigrants, Misc.
From the time the colonists arrived in 1607 records were made and than a lot were destroyed. Battles between the Native Americans and the colonists caused some of the papers to be lost. In some instances the colonists themselves caused the destruction. This continued through the formative years of our country. The worst loss occurred during the Civil War. Our troops burned and destroyed anything in their path. As a result, we are unable to successfully connect a lot of Virginia ancestors. Bits and pieces remain that only serve to confuse the issue.
All that can be done is bring together what has been found and hope that some courthouse basement or an attic will yield long buried information that will help up make a connection.
During the 17th century it appears the following were transported:
Thomas Parrish, aged 26, came to Elizabeth City Co., Va. In 1622 on the ship, "CHARITY". He was a servant in the Thomas Spillman family.
In 1635, Adam Thorogood transported Edward Parrish to Elizabeth City Co., on the ship,"HOPEWELL". There are some scanty records that a Charles and William, supposedly brothers, came to Charles City Co., Va. In 1635.
Another Thomas Parrish was transported to the Virginia Colony on 5 Feb 1657, by Edwin Conway and Hannah Mountray, widow.
A Mark Parrish came to Elizabeth City County, Va. About 1670.
A second Edward Parrish was one of 35 persons transported by John Wallop on 9 Oct 1672. Wallop received a land grant of 1550 acres to reward him for helping populate the colony.
By 1655 there was an Edward Parrish in Anne Arundel Co., Md. Sone older records have made this the same man as the 1635 Edward. Later researchers feel that this was two different men and that the Maryland Edward was the son of the Virginia Edward.
In 1925 Scott Lee Boyd published a book THE PARRISH FAMILY. He traced the five children of the Maryland Edward and Clara, from whom he was descended. None of these people can be connected to our Parrish line.
Since Elizabeth City Co., Va. records were almost entirely destroyed, there seems to be only two times that an Edward appears.
14 May 1643 Edward Parrish and wife, Rachel, sold land in Elizabeth City Co.
May 1648 Edward Parrish purchased 200 acres in Elizabeth City Co., Va.
The next record that has been found is:
13 Jan 1661/62 George Noble for 350 acres in Charles City Co., on E. and W. of Leas run. From John Peakes corner on head of Leas run and E. side of sd run, running down the run on Travers 80 chains, northerly then 31 chains to Nichadewaus path, along Roger Womfleys marked tree. George Noble assignes all right in above to John Parrish on 22 July 1662.
30 July 1663 Right in above to Tho. Calloway. Signed John x Parrish, Margaret x Parrish.
22 Oct 1663 Margaret Parrish wife of John Parish confirms foregoing. Signed "the marke of Mragret (sic) Parish."
10 Dec 1664 Ferinando Aston, gent., of Weynoke parish sells John Parish 100 acres on Queens Creek and bounded under survy of Majr. Wm. Harris near about the land of John Robinson.
Possibly the above is about the same John as it all occurred in Weynoke parish. I feel this next John is a different one. Possibly a son of John and Margaret.
20 Nov 1682 John Parrish patented 390 acres Charles City Co., Va. Wyanoke parish on North side of James River for transporting 8 persons.
3 April 1690 Judgement to Edward Parrish against Jns. Bassett.
16 Feb 1692 at Westover Court of Claims: John Parrish made a claim for the capture of fugitive, Indian Hector.
03 Nov 1692 Tho. Harrison vs. Charles Parrish, dismissed.
15 Oct 1695 Edward Parrish claimed bounty for killing wolves (pd 200 lbs. Tobacco)
William Parrish 100 acres
Charles Parrish 100 acres
Edward Parrish 100 acres
John Parrish 100 acres in Charles City Co. and 50 acres in Elizabeth City Co., Va.
Joseph Parrish 100 acres.
Thomas Parker, "sherriff" reported "I cannot get quit rent on persons living outside the County." One of the uncollectables was Joseph Parrish who lived in Elizabeth City Co.
13 Dec 1690 Andrew Atkin's noncupative will proven by Richard Hursley 54 and Ann Hursley 56.
20 Jan 1719 Jo????(can't read) Parrish received estate left by grandfather, Richard Hursley. Elizabeth City Co., Va.
It is only a guess, but Joseph was probably the one named in the estate papers. From 1692 through 1696 Joseph Parrish appears in court administering the estate of his step-children, Sarah, Ann and Elizabeth Atkins in Elizabeth City Co. It seems Joseph was in Elizabeth City Co. and William, Charles, Edward, and John were in Charles City Co., Va.
From all these fragments I have made up an IMAGINARY FAMILY. I have used about 30 years between generations.
Remember, this is all guess-work! I do feel our James is descended from some of these men. Hope some proof can be found someday.