Joseph Parrish
Joseph Parrish
Born about 1725/30
Died About 1782
Brunswick Co., Va.
Married to
Mary Unknown
Died before 1782
John s. parrish
Born 21 oct 1764
Brunswick co., va.
Died 14 july 1848
Overton co., tn.
Joseph's inheritance:
Item: I give and bequeath of my son Joseph Parrish and to his heirs forever a mill standing on Great creek with a tract of land containing by estimation four hundred and fifty acres adjoining to the said mill lying between the said creek and mason bishop's spring branch..also an acre of land lying on the south side of the said creek conveied (sic) to me by sarah jones..also two hundred and forty acres of land opposite to wolf island on the north side of dann river and in the county of luenburgh aforesaid..also one negro man named mingo and a servant boy named bob.
Not many records have survived for joseph, but his will is on file at the virginia archives. It seems to almost create more questions than it answers.
In the name of god amen. The twentieth day of april in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty eight I joseph parrish of brunswick county being of perfect mind and memory thanks be to god therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament (that is to say) principally and first of all I recommend my soul into the hands of god that gave it and my body to the earth to be buried at the discretion of my executor and as touching my worldly estate as I am possessed with, I give and devise in the manner following, to wit…
I leave to my loving wife, Mary Parrish, that plantation with the mill whereon I now live containing four hundred and fifty acres of land during her life or widowhood with the profits thereof until my son john symmer parrish arrives at the age of twenty one years which said tract of land I give to my said son his heirs forever but in case my wife should live till my son john arrives to twenty one years and if they cannot agree that then the above tract to be equally divided and my wife to have the first choice and in case my son dies before he arrives to the age of twenty one years that I give devise and dispose of the above mentioned tract of land to my said wife and her heirs forever. And I do hereby appoint my loving wife my executrix and henry edmunds my executor of this my last will and testament
I do hereby disallow, revoke and disannul all and every other former will and testament request by me in any way before this mentioned willed or bequeathed ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand the day and year first above written. Signed joseph parrish (no x used.)
Witnessed by john mathis, sr., john mathis and sarah mathis.
Memorandom that in case my son should die before he arrives to the age of twenty one years and my wife likewise before he is of age that then I give and devise the said land within mentioned to henry edmunds and his heirs forever, but in case I should die or my wife before the said edmunds is to take my son into his care and school him and find him cloaths and all things that is necessary for and in christian like manner and when fit bind him out to a trade at his own election till he arrives to the age of twenty one years. Signed joseph parrish
Brunswick county court may 27th 1782
This will and codicil was proved by the oaths of john matthis sr, john mathis and sarah mathis the witnesses thereto and ordered to be recorded and upon the motion of john quarles (the executors thereon appointed being dead) and he having given bond with security and taken the oath according to law certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of administration of the said estate with this his will annexed.
Does this will seem a little extra emphatic about revoking other wills? It almost appears Joseph may have been married before and did not want any other children to get what he intended for john s.
The son was only about 4 years old when the will was written and it seems as if Joseph was being very protective of the small boy.
Also, Joseph inherited 240 acres, plus one acre, and Negro, mingo and servant, Bob. There is no mention of this in the will. Had he already left those things to an older family??
If anyone has found anything that would answer these questions, I would appreciate hearing from you.