My Friends

MySelf with my best
Friend Ishu Priya Madhok

God invented friends because He knew we'd all need someone special to share a smile or a sorrow, a good or a bad feeling with him/her. You choose your friends by your own wish only unlike your brothers and sisters, who are choosen by the destiny for you, so your friend circle shows to the outer world, what you're, what type of persons you like and what is your intellectual level. So it not only reflects your liking or disliking but also your manner of living. In my friend circle contrasting personalities exists, some are introverts, some are ambiverts and there are some extroverts too!.

On this page you will find only single picture which is of my best friend Ishu Priya Madhok. Since he really matters a lot to me that's why the only picture that appears here is his. He has very impressive personality, hardworking nature and is very humane. He has a lot of good characteristics that one can't describe in words. Now a days, he is studying Mathematics in the same University as mine. Since, when I choose a friend I believe in quality not quantity that's why I have a few friends.