
Puneet Gulati
3/95, Malviya Nagar,
Housing Board,
Jaipur-302017, India.
Ph : 99-141-520633

1993-96 Bachelor of Science
University of Rajasthan
1992-93 Senior Secondary
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education
1990-91 Secondary Examination
Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education
1) A Tubectomy - Patient Management Project using Clipper/FoxPro It was a Project From Govt. Of Raj. It takes data of women & children in the family, blocks, district and some other information about thier health. It also generates formatted reports / booklets as required.
2) A PayRoll Management Project using Oracle and Visual Basic It handles employees pay system and generates the monthly & bimonthly detailed reports as and when required.
3) A Student Management Project for Aptech Inst. using FoxPro It takes account of student courses offered by the institute plus it maintains the account of fee deposited by students. Generates weekly and monthly reports also.
Languages HTML 4.0, Java 1.1, JavaScript 1.3, Visual J++, Turbo C++, Turbo C, COBOL, Pascal
Back Ends SQL * plus, PL/SQL
Operating Systems Microsoft Windows 95/98 , UNIX, Linux, DOS 6.22
Course Plans
* Computer Programming & Problem Solving Through Pascal * Computer Organisation & Assembly Language
* Data & File Structure * Data Base Management System
* Microprocessor Architecture * System Software
* Operating System * Programming in 'C'
* Architecture of Parallel Processors * Programming in 'C++'
* System Analysis & Design * Computer Graphics
* Artificial Intelligence * UNIX Operating System