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Check out my topics:
Only the Best | And the Winner Is? | A Good Hee Haw |
The Chaise Lounge | Something New Everyday |
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to Thomas's Favorite Sites.
Eric serves his Country Eric lives on this submarine part of the year. As a member of the Blue Crew to be exact. Some awesome dudes who are protecting our country. |
Jeri Lynn's
Website Oh my!!!! |
Michelle's Site You should be drunk when viewing this web page. |
Wild Wood Flower Maybelle Carter's signature song |
1950's Mid Music |
Obscure Observations It's a what? A politician? Not? Well then, maybe? |
Mufon People are always denying that it happens. No we are not talking about politicians again. We are talking about Alien visitors, not as scary as politicians. |
Location! Location! Location! It's all about where you live. |
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WARNING: A few of these sites may contain Adult Content.