Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wicca?

Wicca is a very nature based religion. Some worship a pantheon of Gods, Goddess, or a mixture of the two, others only worship one deity. There are some basic similarities though. The biggest being: do what you want to as long as you hurt no one. This also means to cause no harm to yourself.

This leads me to another similarity known as the three-fold law. Whatever actions you take come back to you times three. This means if you hurt someone be ready for it to happen to you times three.

Wiccans belive in reincarnation and karma. With each life that we live on this earth we learn and grow, becoming more powerful. The actions we take in life affect what we return as when we die and come back. However, unlike many religions in the East, Wicca does not teach us that when we meet our physical death that our souls will reincarnate as anything but human (i.e. we will not come back as cats, dogs, cockroaches, etc.)

Who do you worship?

Wiccans worship the same Creator (for there is only One) as all those who believe in a deity. This is the same Creator who is worshipped by Jews, Hindus, Moslems, and Christians. As no one knows what the Deity looks like, people have given the Creator physical form. After all, it is much easier to worship something you can see or imagine, rather than an abstract concept.

Wiccans do not worship Satan because they do not believe in Satan. Wiccans have full control of their lives and it is their responsibility. Wiccans do not blame Satan for the faults and weaknesses in their lives. Wiccans shape their own futures and the course of their lives.

What are the Wiccan Holidays?

Since Wicca is an "Earth Religion", we celebrate the Solstices and Equinoxes. The first day of Spring (Ostara), Summer (Litha), Fall (Mabon), & Winter (Yule).

We also celebrate 4 days mid-way between the above dates. These are known as "Imbolc" - 2/2, "Beltane" - 5/1, "Lughnasadh" - 8/1, and "Samhain" - 10/31.

On these days, we observe & celebrate the changing of the Seasons, & seek to attain balance within ourselves and to become attuned to the rhythms of Life.

What is the pentagram and why do Wiccans use it?

The pentagram or five pointed star is an ancient Pagan symbol. (As is the pentacle--which is a pentagram inscribed in a circle.) When the pentagram is inscribed in a circle--a pentacle--it unites all of the aspects of man. It unites the body with the mind, the spiritual with the profane. It reminds us that we need all of our aspects to fulfill our lives as human beings. It reminds us also everything is a cycle--that we will not experience joy without pain, but pain will again give way to joy.

The top point of the pentagram represent the element of Spirit--it represent the ethereal, the everlasting, and the immanence of the Goddess.

The top left point of the pentagram represents Earth. Earth is the Mother element. It is that element that represent rootedness. It symbolizes security, growth, nourishment--all of the things that the Earth Mother provides for us. The elements Earth is what offers us the ability to explore the spirit, because it gives us grounding.

The top right point of the pentagram represents Air.Air is the element of the mind. It represents thought, intelligence, rationale. It is the element that allows us to examine the spirit and discover where it fits in our lives.

The bottom left point in the pentagram represents Fire. Fire is the element of the loins. Fire represents passion.

The bottom right point, is the element Water. Water represents the cycle of life: we came from the watery dark of the womb, and we return to watery tears of death. Water is the element of emotion. Water is the element that validates our existence as sentient beings, because it allows us to have feelings, but not the brash, unwarranted feelings of fire. Water is the emotion that comes along with understanding ourselves and each other after all else has been discovered. Water is is pure love, pure joy, pure sadness, pure anger.

I thought the Pentagram was the sign of Satanists?

When the pentacle is worn right side up, it represent “spirit over the body”. This means that witches who wear it like that recognize the importance of all things, but when they get right down to it, they strive to serve the spirit and not solely our bodies. “An it harm none” means that serving the spirit may mean sacrificing bodily pleasures, but if they are serving the spirit, they can never harm. When the pentacle is worn upside down in Satanism, it means “flesh over the spirit”, meaning, if it feels good, do it, regardless of who you hurt. This symbol has no meaning in witchcraft. If a witch wears the pentacle inverted, it means that she is undergoing a period of introspection and self discovery, and that she is going through the underworld to confront her fears and demons and conquer them.