Herbs can be used in Sachets, Poppets, Baths, Ointments, Oils and Hot Water (Infusion). Visualization is required when working with herbs as with any type of magick.

One should enchant the herbs before use. This aligns the vibrations of the herbs involved with your magickal need. In turn this increases their effectivness. Run your fingers through the herbs visualizing your need. Chant over and over your magickal need while doing this.

The most popular uses for herbs are: Protection, Love, Exorcism (Banishing), Healing, Health, Hex-Breaking, Fidelity, Luck, Lust, Money, and Wishes.

Please look here for books on herbal magick.

Below are listed only a few of the herbs than can be used:

ALLSPICE Money, Luck, Healing dried fruit
ALMOND Abundance, Prosperity nut, leaves, wood
ALOE Protection, Luck plant
ANISE Protection, Psychic enhancement, Sleep seed
APPLE Love, Healing, Garden Magick, Immortality fruit
ASAFOETIDA Protection, Banishment, Purification root, leaf
BASIL Money, Protection, Love flower, leaf
BENZOIN Intellect, Purification leaf
BERGAMONT Money, Prosperity leaf
BIRCH Protection, Purification wood
CARAWAY Protection, Passion, Memory seed
CARNATION Enhance Magickal Powers, Creativity flower
CATNIP Happiness, Animal Magick, Healing Pets, Pyschic Enhancement root, leaf
CHAMOMILE Sleep, Prepares body for Magick, Prosperity, Healing flower
CINNAMON Spirituality, Success, Protection, Healing, Love, Money, Wishes, Passion bark
CLOVE Repelling Negative Influences, Stops Gossip flower
COMFREY Protection (any type of Negativity) herb
CORIANDER Love, Fertility, Protection, Health herb
CYPRESS Protection, Consecration, Divination, Comfort, Longevity wood
DANDILION Sleep, Protection, Healing, Calling Spirits herb
DILL Protection, Love, Money herb
DRAGON'S BLOOD Energy, Purification, Potency, Protection gum
ECHINACEA For Strengthening Spells flower
EUCALYPTUS Healing, Sleep, Reconciliations leaf, seed
FERN Mental Clarity, Protection, Eternal Youth plant
GARDENIA Healing, Friendship, Love flower
GARLIC Protection, Strength, Promotes Communication, Anti-Theft clove, flower
GINGER ROOT Success, Power, Money root
HOLLY Protection herb
HONEYSUCKLE Divine Inspiration, Peace, Balancing, Prosperity flower, leaf
IVY Fertility, Love, Protection whole plant
JASMINE Love, Money, Prophetic Dreams flower
JUNIPER Money, Anti-Theft, Love, Health, Exorcism berry, herb
KNOTWEED Binding, Health herb
LARCH Protection, Anti-Fire wood
LAVENDAR Love, Protection, Purification, Sleep, Chastity, Peace, Happiness flower
LEMON Longevity, Purification, Love, Friendship fruit
LEMONGRASS Lust, Psychic Powers leaf
LETTUCE Chastity, Protection, Love, Divination, Sleep leaf
LICORICE Love, Lust, Fidelity root
LILAC Protection, Exorcism flower
LILLY Breaking Love Spells flower
MAGNOLIA Fidelity flower
MANDRAKE Protection, Increase Fertility, Love, Money, Health root
MAPLE Love, Longevity, Money wood, leaf
MARIGOLD Love, Clarvoyance, Prophetic Dreams, Legal Matters, Psychic Power, Protection flower
MARJORAM Protection, Love, Happiness, Prediction flower, herb
MAY APPLE Money flower, leaf
MINT Money, Lust, Travel, Exorcism, Clear Thinking herb
MISTLETOE Protection, Love, Exorcism, Increase Fertility leaf, berry
MORNING GLORY Happiness, Peace seed, flower, root
MULLBERRY Protection, Strength wood, leaf
MUSTARD Increase Fertility, Protection, Mental Powers seed
MYRRH Spiritality, Purification, Healing, Protection gum
NUTMEG Luck, Health, Money, Fidelity, Clarvoyance seed
OAK Increase Fertility, Luck, Health, Money, Strength wood, fuit, leaf
OATS Money grain
ONION Protection, Banishing, Dreams, Healing, Lust vegetable
ORANGE Love, Divination, Mental Agility, Business, Balancing fruit
PANSY Love, Divination, Love Divination, Rain Magick flower
PAPAYA Love, Protection fruit
PATCHOULY (PATCHOULI) Growth, Love, Mastery, Money, Increase Fertility herb
PEACH Exorcism, Longevity, Wishes, Increase Fertility fruit
PEAR Lust, Love fruit
PEONY Protection, Banishing, Luck seed, root
PEPPER (BLACK) Protection, Exorcism herb
PEPPERMINT Purification, Healing, Sleep, Protection herb
PERIWINKLE Love, Lust, Mental Powers, Money, Protection herb
PERSIMMON Changing Sex, Luck, Healing fruit
PINE Healing, Increase Fertility Protection, Banishing, Money wood, needles
PINEAPPLE Luck, Money, Chastity fruit
PISTACHIO Breaking Love Spells nut
POMEGRANATE Luck, Wishes, Wealth, Divination, Increase Fertility seed
POPLAR Flying buds
POPPY Increase Fertility, Sleep, Luck, Invisability seed
POTATO Image Magick, Healing vegetable
PRIMROSE Protection, Love flower
ROSE Ultimate Love, Psychic Powers, Love Divination flower
ROSEMARY Protection, Love, Lust, Sleep, Mental Powers herb
SAGE Immortality, Longevity, Wisdom herb
ST. JOHN'S WORT Health, Protection, Banishing herb
SANDALWOOD Protection, Cleasning, Spirituality, Wishes, Mediation, Healing wood
SLIPPERY ELM Stops Gossip wood, leaf
SWEET PEA Friendship, Chastity, Courage flower, pea
TEA (BLACK OR CHINA) Riches, Courage leaf
THISTLE Hex Breaking, Protection, Healing, Banishing herb
TONKA Love, Money, Courage, Wishes bean
TULIP Prosperity, Love, Protection flower
TURNIP Ending relationships vegetable
UVA URSA Psychic Workings leaf, flower
VALERIAN Dream Magick, Reconciliation, Harmony in Love, Sleep root
VANILLA Love, Lust, Menatl Powers bean
VERVAIN Love, Protection, Purification, Money, Peace herb
WALNUT Health, Infertility, Mental Powers, Wishes nut
WHEAT Increase Fertility, Money grain
WINTERGREEN Hex Breaking, Protection, Healing herb
WORMWOOD Calling Spirits, Clarvoyance, Protection flower, leaf
YARROW Courage, Psychic Powers, Banishing flower