Gerald B. Gardner (1884-1964) English hereditary Witch and allegedly responsible for reviving Witchcraft in the modern Western world
More on Gardner:
A Biography of Gerald Brosseau
A small write-up on Gerald B. Gardner
Scott Cunningham (1956-1993) Scott Cunningham was one of the greatest Wiccan/Pagan authors of the twentieth century.
Raymond Buckland has been said to have brought Witchcraft to the Americas. He is a third generation Gardnerian Witch. This is his personal site, I believe he runs it himself -- cool!
Phyllis Curott Author of the bestselling book, "Book Of Shadows". She is a modern day witch.
Doreen Valiente (1922-1999) Known as the Mother of Modern Witchcraft. Studied under Gardner.
More on Valiente:
Obituary for Doreen Valiente
Another Obituary
Stewart Farrar (1916-2000) One of the founding fathers of Wicca. Author and husband of Janet Farrar (author).
More on Farrar:
The Farrar-Bone Website
Stewart Farrar Obituary
Tribute to Stewart Farrar