Soap Box Racing

Soap Box racing is an amateur event in which boys and girls, age 7 to 15, race home built cars down a hill.  Rules are similar to those set by the All American Soap Box Derby in Akron, Ohio, where races have been run since 1934.  A junior division is open for ages 7 to 11, and a senior division for ages 9 to 15 (as of Father's Day).  40 to 50  participants normally attend from Saskatoon and area, Regina, Moose Jaw and Swift Current.  In Saskatoon, the Big Brothers, ‘Just Say No’ clubs and several school/community associations are active supporters of the race.

Junior Division cars are built by the racer, with adult help, to fairly tight specifications.  Steering and brake kits, and wheels, must be purchased from the club.  A fibreglass body may be purchased, or a wood body may be built to plans supplied by the club.

Senior cars are also built by the racer, with help.  Brake and steering kits are available but are not mandatory, but wheels must be purchased.  Body shells may be purchased or built from scratch. There is more design latitude in the senior class, but certain dimensional requirements must be met.

All cars are inspected prior to racing to ensure safe construction and adherence to the rules.

The race is run in heats of two cars, starting on a ramp at the top, with the finish line approximately 250 metres away.  Speeds reach nearly 50 km/hr.  Electronic timers measure the time differential between the cars at the finish line.  The race is then repeated with the cars in the opposite lanes to ensure fairness, and a winner is declared, based on the results of both runs.

Prizes are awarded to the top 4 to 8 places (depending on the number of entrants) in each division.  Trophies are presented to all participants.

Soapbox racing is designed to provide parent/child interaction, teach basic skills of workmanship, promote self esteem and self reliance, and instill a spirit of competition and good sportsmanship. The Saskatoon Soap Box Derby is a registered non-profit organization made possible through the generosity of our corporate sponsors, and the efforts of numerous volunteers.

Swift Current holds a race each year on the Father's Day weekend, and Regina/Moose Jaw have a race in Moose Jaw, usually in early August.

We’re always looking for more participants for our race, and volunteers to help put it together.  We also have several cars for sale, both Junior and Senior.

The Saskatoon Soap Box Derby is a registered Non-profit Corporation.
