Operation Outreach Motto/Slogan
The Motto of Operation Outreach is: "PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE HELP THEMSELVES."
The Slogan of Operation Outreach is: "FIND THE NEED AND MEET IT!"
One of the aims of O.O. is to show people their God-given potential, by looking past their faults into the needs they have. The trained staff at O.O. ministers to the individual's needs with God's unconditional love and acceptance. This helps to build confidence, self-esteem and a sense of belonging. People need to believe they have worth as human beings. At Operation Outreach we strive to encourage those whom God sends to O.O., to use their free will to release what is great within them.
Most people do not realize they possess within them, untapped treasures! God-created gifts, abilities and talents. Our hope at Operation Outreach is for the Power of God to work through the hearts of people, loving those in need to wholeness! In Hosea 2:15 God has promised to, "Transform valleys of trouble into doors of hope."
There are three things every person needs to survive: Someone to care, purpose and hope. We live in a country where everyone is a number. It is easy to feel that you're not special. Most people feel small and powerless; they feel hopeless and helpless in their everyday living conditions. The whole world is crying out for love and understanding. The only way to change the world is to invest in each individuals life, to help change it for the better... one person at a time. This is an opportunity we can all share.
Everyone has the right to fulfill his purpose in this life. Operation Outreach is an instrument to help them get there. A transformed mind only comes from a knowledge of the Truth. We intend to inform each individual that comes to Operation Outreach that, as a child of God, they have rights and privileges; the right of all that is in the meaning of SALVATION, and the privilege, and the ability to possess an endless hope instead of a hopeless end. Jesus paid the price for it all. We need to show them this.
What makes Operation Outreach so unique? We don't give people a handout... but a helping hand! It all breaks down to... "People Helping People Help Themselves."
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