Cheryl A. Bechtel



Academic Background


M.A. History, In Progress, Central Michigan University

Teaching Certification with Secondary Emphasis, In Progress, Saginaw Valley State University

B.A. History and Social Science, 2006, Central Michigan University

M.S. Administration, 2005, Central Michigan University

B.S. Equine Business Management, 1998, University of Findlay

A.B.A. Business Administration, 1997, Mid Michigan Community College



Professional Certifications


Passed Michigan Test for Teacher Certification Subject Tests in History, Political Science, and Social Studies (2006)



 Relevant Courses Taken


§    United States, Pre-Revolution to 1865

§    United States, 1865 to the Present

§    Civil War Reconstruction

§    African Americans in the Twentieth Century

§    History of Michigan

§    History Research Seminar (Michigan)

§    Western Civilization, Prehistory to 1750

§    Western Civilization, 1750 to Present

§    Latin American Experience

§    Craft of History (England)

§    Renaissance and Reformation

§    Europe in the Early Middle Ages, 300-1050



Academic Honors and Awards


Who’s Who Among Students in American College & Universities, 2007, Saginaw Valley State University

Graduated Cum Laude, 2006, Central Michigan University

Granted Membership in Golden Key International Honor Society, 2005, Central Michigan University

Chancellor’s List, 2004-2005, Central Michigan University

National Dean’s List, 2003-2005, Central Michigan University

Dean’s List, 2005, Central Michigan University

President’s List, 2004, Central Michigan University

Graduated Cum Laude, 1998, The University of Findlay

Dean’s List, 1997-1998, The University of Findlay

Dr. David L. Steiner Equestrian and Pre-Vet Scholarship Recipient, 1998, The University of Findlay

Graduated with Honors, 1997, Mid Michigan Community College

Academic Excellence Certificate of Recognition, 1997, Mid Michigan Community College

Dean's List, 1996, Davenport University

Davenport College Scholarship Recipient, 1995, Davenport University

Junior Honors Achievement Scholarship Recipient, 1989, Mid Michigan Community College



Relevant Experience and Skills


Big Sister Mentor – Big Brothers Big Sisters of Saginaw Bay Area, 2007-Present

§    Spend time with an 8-year old female diagnosed with ADHD biweekly

§    Plan interesting and educational events

§    Participate in group activities


Classroom Observer – Bay City Western Middle School (Michigan), 81.5 hours, 2007-Present

§    7th grade Eastern Hemisphere social studies

§    7th grade science


Volunteer Webmaster – USGenWeb (Michigan), 2007-Present

§    Research different aspects of the county history for inclusion on the website

§    Created websites for Oscoda County and Shiawassee County

§    Review and accept outside information for inclusion on the website

§    Coordinate outside research requests


Volunteer Webmaster – American Local History Network (Ohio), 2007-Present

§    Research different aspects of the county history for inclusion on the website

§    Created website for Putnam County

§    Review and accept outside information for inclusion on the website

§    Coordinate outside research requests


Volunteer Genealogical Researcher (Michigan and Ohio), 1999-Present

§    Use of national and local records: census, land, birth, marriage, divorce, and death

§    Use of materials at state and local libraries/archives: Library of Michigan (Lansing), Archives of Michigan (Lansing), Clarke Historical Library (Mount Pleasant), Alice and Jack Wirt Public Library (Bay City), Butterfield Historical Library (Bay City), Grace A. Dow Memorial Library (Midland), Hackley Public Library (Muskegon), Hoyt Library (Saginaw), and Ohio Historical Society Archives/Library (Columbus)

§    Assist with online local area records research requests


Volunteer - Bay County Historical Society (Michigan), 2006-Present

§    Staff gift store

§    Act as guide during local historical tours


Catherinous Hayes Family Reunion (Michigan and Ohio), 2000-Present

§    Organized restart of seven-generation reunion

§    Presided over business meetings as president

§    Located missing and unknown relatives


Elliot C. and Ida J. Woodruff Family Reunion (Michigan and Ohio), 2003-2007

§    Located missing and unknown relatives

§    Organized tri-annual six-generation reunion as secretary/treasurer


Reserve Desk Clerk - Central Michigan University, 2005

§    Provided customer service to patrons

§    Organized and processed material for the Reserve collection

§    Performed shelf reading and inventory of the Reserve Collection

§    Maintained in-house use statistics for current periodicals and Reserve material


Classroom Observer - Beaverton Rural Schools (Michigan), 45 hours, 2004

§    3rd/4th grade physical education

§    6th grade mathematics

§    7th/8th grade United States and world history


Mentoring Seminars - Mentoring Center of Central Ohio, 2003

§    Making of a Mentor - Relationship Building

§    Mentoring the Adolescent



Written Works


Feasibility Study of a Bed & Breakfast, December 2005, Thesis, Central Michigan University


Joseph Townsend of Midland County, Michigan, and his descendants: local lives and public events, 1840-1900, August 2005, Seminar Paper, Central Michigan University



Professional Affiliations and Activities


National Council for History Education

Michigan Education Association

International Reading Association

Phi Delta Kappa International

Bay County Historical Society

Midland County Historical Society

Abram’s Genealogy Seminar, Library of Michigan (2006)

Learn Today, Teach Tomorrow Conference, Central Michigan University (2007)



Community Involvement


Phi Mu Fraternity

National Guard Association of Michigan

Joint Enlisted Association

Morale and Welfare Activities Support Group

Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers

Services for the Aging: Meals-On-Wheels, Beaverton Community Center (Michigan)



Work Experience


Front Desk Clerk, Findlay Inn & Conference Center - Findlay, Ohio (1997-1998)

§    Augmented organizational protocols as needed

§    Provided high level of customer service to all customers


Bookstore Sales Clerk, Mid Michigan Community College - Harrison, Michigan (1996-1997)

§    Interacted with customers and recommended products that suited their needs

§    Created store displays that generated an increase in sales

§    Organized event planning and event management functions


Secretary, Gladwin County Fair - Gladwin, Michigan (Summers 1994 & 1996)

§    Prepared judging books

§    Fielded entry questions

§    Created signs


Office Assistant, Davenport University - Grand Rapids, Michigan (1995-1996)

§    Handled office management functions on a daily basis

§    Fielded inquiries from individuals and assisted in problem resolution

§    Played a key role in developing organizational reports and presenting results to management


Farm Hand, George Family Farm - Gladwin, Michigan (1985-1995)

§    Maintained farm records

§    Prepared and showed livestock for sale

§    Oversaw breeding and birthing activities



Military Experience


Parts & Supply Clerk, Army National Guard - Midland, Michigan (2003-Present)

§    Train and mentor personnel in supply procedures

§    Counsel subordinates on job performance

§    Execute all aspects of database management successfully


Platoon Leader, Army National Guard / ROTC - Midland, Michigan (2004-2006)

§    Instructed weekly classes on basic military skills to college freshmen and sophomores

§    Improved publication library by analyzing subscription list

§    Assisted Commander with decision making


Dispatcher, United States Army / NATO - Verona, Italy (2001-2003)

§    Collaborated with the Italian National Transportation section for combined use of personnel and equipment

§    Played a key role in managing 75 vehicles, 13 computers, and 11 computer accessories worth in excess of $700,000

§    Supervised and trained 8 Italian conscripts in daily job functions including administrative responsibilities

§    Coordinated travel logistics for over 500 personnel three times a day from 6 different locations

§    Acted as unit supply non-commissioned officer, which encompassed 2 hand receipts with more than 175 individual items and 32 9mm pistols, request forms, and inventory management


Parts & Supply Clerk, United States Army - Fort Carson, Colorado (1999-2001)

§    Trained and mentored personnel in supply procedures

§    Tracked equipment usage, maintenance, modification, and calibration on over 230 pieces of equipment

§    Spearheaded the implementation of a check and balance system that tracked the Parts Control Register, which resulted in improved accuracy level between records and monthly reconciliation reports



Computer Skills


Business Software: Microsoft Office (Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Outlook), Microsoft Money, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator (Netscape Navigator, Netscape Messenger), Microsoft Works, WordPerfect, Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro


Web Design/Multimedia: Microsoft FrontPage, Netscape Composer, Beginning HTML/DHTML


Military Software: Standard Army Maintenance System (SAMS), Unit Level Logistics Systems – Ground (ULLS-G)


Other Software: Adobe Acrobat Reader, PhotoStudio 2000, FamilyTreeMaker, Print Shop



Research Interests



Immigration and distribution of families into the Northwest Territory

Local and social history of the United States Midwest

Italian history, particularly the Veneto region



Cultural Experiences


Vacationed in Austria, Belgium, Canada, England, France, Germany, and Mexico

Employed in Italy for two and a half years

Host, German exchange student

Conversation Partner, English Language Institute at Central Michigan University

Member, International Club at Central Michigan University



Foreign Language Skills


English (American)

§    Native language

French: Two years schooling

§    Intermediate comprehension skills; Limited reading, writing, and speaking skills

German: Four years schooling

§    Limited reading, writing, speaking, and comprehension skills

Italian: One and a half years schooling

§    Intermediate reading, speaking, and comprehension skills; Limited writing skills


