In the early 1950's, the deacon's of the First Baptist Church of Wichita felt the need of continuing their mission work by starting another new church. The new church was to be built at the corner of Woodlawn and Bayley, far out in the country, but part of a fast growing area. The original building was designed in the shape of an airplane. The side doors were the wings.
The building was dedicated on August 20, 1954. The church began with 31 members, from 17 families. Three months later, there were 56 members.
Dr. Earl Cooper, the association missionary, was the original pastor. The pulpit committee began work in March of 1995 and a call was extended to Clark Holt of Kansas City, Missouri, to become the new pastor.
The next five years were a busy time for the young church. Woodlawn Baptist Mission officially became Woodlawn Avenue Baptist Church on July 1, 1956. The church bought the parsonage in 1957. After five years of service, Clark Holt left Woodlawn, and in February 1960, Darrell Sanford of Cherryvale, Kansas was called to be the new pastor. On July 23, 1961 the trustees of First Baptist presented a deed to the property to our trustees. Ground breaking for the new education wing was held May 21, 1962 and it was finished and dedicated on December 16, 1962. F.R. Parker of Wichita, was called and became our interim pastor on March 1, 1964. On May 30, 1965, Orville Mason, of Wichita, accepted the call to become our new pastor and served nearly four years. The call was extended to Lawrence E. Oyer to become our new pastor on June 22, 1969.
In 1970 a bus ministry was begun. Many children and adults have enjoyed riding the bus for the last 27 years. A coffee house ministry was organized by a group of Woodlawn young people. Our congregation was instrumental in remodeling a church in Oaklawn into the King Kids Day care center. Pastor Oyer built the sign in front of the church. A number of improvements were made at the parsonage and church, including remodeling the sanctuary.
After Pastor Oyer retired, he served as our interim pastor until we called Rev. J.D. Tatum, from The First Baptist Church of Kingman, as our pastor on July 17, 1997. We are now at the present learning to dream and envision the possibilities of ministries within the church. The next few years are ones that will teach us to set goals and make goals. With a focus on the future specializing in outreach and missions plus some enovations to the church building itself and several new ministries bathed in prayer, the future of Woodlawn Avenue Baptist Church is well kept in the hands of the Lord.