Yalamo Technics Ltd. offers consulting and design services in:
RF Circuit Design and Analysis
System Analysis and Design
Communications Systems
Satellite Systems
Navigation Systems
Spread Spectrum/CDMA Technology
Pilot Rescue Systems
Technical Proposal Preparation
Cost Proposal Analyses
Test Planning
Test Procedure Preparation
Test Report Writing
Consulting and Design services are provided by Alex Weingarten, who has worked at the cutting edge of electronic technologies for over 40 years, in both the U.S. and Israel. These services are provided through telecommuting and limited plant visits. Familiarity with EESOF, Matlab, MathCad, and other design and simulation software.
Work can be undertaken on an hourly basis, or as small turnkey projects.
Alex Weingarten, B.E.E., M.S.E.E. - Resume
Employment History:
Tadiran Communications/Tadiran Spectralink Ltd., Holon, Israel, 1984 - 1999:
Senior Systems Engineer; Data Links, Satellite Communications, Pilot Rescue Systems, Base Stations for Automobile Location, Digital Radios.
Elgim/Elbit, Nes Ziona, Israel, 1971 - 1984:
Section Head, Navigation Systems and Wave Propagation Group; Navigation System Design, Radar Signal Analysis and Classification, High Speed Rotating Antenna Design.
Hazeltine Electronics Corporation, Research Division, Plainview, N.Y., 1968-1970:
Project Engineer; Advanced Identification/Friend or Foe System, Computer Simulation of IFF and Air Traffic Control System.
Leesona Moos Laboratories, Great Neck, N.Y., 1963-1968:
Section Head, Electromagnetics Group; Missile-borne Electronic Countermeasures and Penetration Aids, Laser Radars and Atmospheric Metrology Systems.
Kollsman Instruments Corporation, Elmhurst, N.Y, 1961-1963:
Staff Engineer; Advanced Development Group; Optical Communications Systems, Apollo Infra-red Horizon Sensor.
Columbia University Electronic Research Laboratories, New York, N.Y., 1956-1960:
Staff Engineer; Design and Testing of Spread-Spectrum ("Chirp") Radar.
Short Courses in Cellular Communications, G.P.S., Satellite Communications, Software, Simulation Techniques, etc.
Columbia University, M.S.E.E., 1959
New York University, B.E.E., 1956
Contact Information:
Alex Weingarten
Phones: 972-9-9555549 972-54-6566887
Fax: 972-151-54-6566887
Skype: xelaww
e-mail: alexweingarten@ieee.org