"); win_doc.write(""); win_doc.write("Digest of DNA with " +enzyme.value+ ""); win_doc.write("

DNA Digesting, whole genomes or small pieces :)

List of things to do:
Load a text file to the text area. (COMPLETED: 1/31/04)
Get a list of restriction enzymes and their recognition sequences (Loaded 2/2/04).
Pass the DNA sequence through functions which will:
- concatenate the sequence into one variable, (done: 2/2/04)
- run through the sequence cutting the sequence into N pieces, (done: 2/2/04)
- count the number of pieces and their lengths (done: 2/2/04)
- list the lengths and cut sites (done: 2/2/04)
- One major thing I haven't gotten to yet is searching for the odd bases (i.e., those which aren't designated A,G,C,T)...
- Also, I need to check for the reverse complement of non-palindromic recognition sites...
- At the current moment, the DNA is not considered circular, I'll work on this soon...
- I also need to get rid of the incoming FASTA notation at the top of the text...
- anything else to display/calculate? (I've got a couple ideas....)

File to read:
                       Restriction Enzyme to digest with: