As Christians, we've been given the great and glorious assignment of being a light and witness to the world. So why is it that we spend so much of the time that God has given to us by arguing among our brothers and sisters in the church. We so oftentimes argue over such things as denominational differences and even doctrinal differences. True, there are some denominations in the world today which are far from being in the truth but is that any reason for us to condemn them or to lecture them, a trait some of us so often carry with us and one I praise God for delivering me of a few years ago. Even with differing doctrines, God spoke to me concerning this and allowed me to see that we are not saved by the doctrine or the teachings of it but in reality, we are saved by our surrendering to God's divine, perfect, and holy will and by obeying all that is contained in the Word. The Lord said "Be holy, because I am holy." (1 Peter 1:16)  We need to live a holy life, one that is pleasing and acceptable to God. So therefore, I urge all of you who read this...If you already know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal saviour, then I challenge you to analyze yourself as He would...to see if there is anything in you that might diplease Him. On the other hand, if you have yet to make a confession of faith and allow Jesus to come into your life, then please don't wait any longer. Jesus is standing with His arms outstretched towards you, waiting to embrace you in His love and to cleanse you and deliver you from all of your sins and addictions. All it takes is for you to open up your heart and reach out and receive Him. He'll do the rest.