Below are genealogy resources that will help beginners and experts alike when confronting difficult searches.
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- A Beginners Guide to Genealogy in Seven Basic Steps is offfered by Heritage Quest.
- A Crash course in genealogy gives you a quick jumpstart in your genealogy research.
- Beginner's Guide to Family History Research is a great resource for those who can't even spell the word "genealogy".
- Cyndi's List has a special HowTo page that includes genealogy tips for getting started, search methods and techniques, as well as useful publications.
- Dear Myrtle offers practical, down-to-earth genealogy advice.
- FAQ: Obtaining A Copy Of A Social Security Number Application discusses how and why obtaining SSN's can help genealogy research.
- Genealogy 101 -tips and tricks for the beginner.
- The Genealogy Homepage Tutorial is a site on how to create a genealogy page for posting your own research.
- Genealogy Instructions for Beginners, Kids, and Teenagers is a great resource for anybody interested in starting genealogy research.
- Guide to Beginning Genealogy shows how to get organized, work with records, and much more.
- Helpful Hints for Successful Searching gives basic guidelines on various genealogy research topics.
- The NGS has suggestions for begginers or a brief, easy-to-understand booklet on how to begin your genealogy research.
- Robert Bickham has his list of 26 beginning genealogy tips for those just starting to research genealogy.
- Treasure Chest the how-to genealogy WWW site.
- US Gen Web Kidz includes printable family group sheet, pedigree chart, and much more to begin your genealogy research.