This is the Covenant of my Blood
Sat. 19 October 2002
3:00p Confessions
5:00p Mass
in memory of Albert & Mary Wallace
6:00p New
Parishioners Dinner - SPS
Sun. 20 October 2002–3rd Sun.
“Do This in Memory of Me”
8:30a Childcare
9:00a Mass
in memory of Howard Dunton
10:00a Coffee Hour
10:20a CCD (Pre-K through Grade 5) - SPS
11:00a Mass in memory of William Thomson
4:30-6p CCD (Grades 6 – 8) – SPS
6:30-8p CI & CII Religious Education – SPS
Mon. 21 October 2002
7:00a Communion
6-7:30p Religious Education Grades 6 – 8
6:45p Adult
Faith Formation – FBR
Tue. 22 October 2002
7:00a Communion
Wed. 23 October 2002
7:00a Mass
in memory of Margaret Sewall
2:00p Edgewood
Communion Service
6:45p RCIA
Class – FBR
7:00p Protecting
God’s Children – St. James Hall
Thu. 24 October 2002
7:00a Mass
in memory of Sr. Dorothy Fullam &
Rosetta Hafey Renshaw
6:30p Boy
6:30p Adult
7:00p Contemporary
Music Rehearsal
Fri. 25 October 2002
7:00a Mass
in memory of Catherine Kezer
Sat. 26 October 2002
9am-3pm CRAFT FAIR 2002 – LC
3:00p Confessions
5:00p Mass
in memory of Anne Schaefer
Sun. 27
October 2002 – 4th Sun. “Do This in
Memory of Me”
8:30a Childcare
9:00a Youth
Mass in memory of Olivia & Howard Sibson
10:00a Coffee Hour
10:20a CCD (Pre-K through Grade 5)
11:00a Mass in memory of Ramona Cabrera Webber
5-8p Teen
Mass – St. Theresa Church, Rye - CI
Sunday: Ex. 24:3-8; Hb. 9: 11-15; Jn. 19: 31-37
Monday: Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21
Tuesday: Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38
Wednesday: Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48
Thursday: Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53
Friday: Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59
Saturday: Eph 4:7-16; Lk 13:1-9
Next Sunday: Ex. 24:3-8; Heb. 9: 11-15; Jn. 19: 31-37.
previously announced, today is World Mission Sunday in which the Church
highlights the missionary activities of the Church throughout the world. A special collection for the support of
these activities will be taken up today at all Masses. An envelope for this collection was
contained in the monthly mailing, and additional envelopes are available at the
doors of the church. As we normally are
a one-collection parish, we ask you to make your offering for the support of
the parish separate from your offering for the World Mission collection, and
deposit both offerings into the one offertory collection.
of a meeting today (Sunday) at 11:30 am in St. Patrick School Hall. All members are urged to attend this
important meeting to plan our 2002-2003 activities.
CHOIR – will practice
tonight (Sunday) 5:30 – 6:30 pm at St. Patrick School in preparation for next
weekend’s Youth Mass. For additional
information, please call Roxanne Raeside-Wilton at 436-8812.
Our GRANDPARENTS’ PROGRAM needs volunteers to
deliver monthly greeting cards to seniors living in a nursing home or
high-rise. Each class at St. Pat’s
School makes seasonal cards for their adopted grandparent, so a volunteer’s
commitment is approximately one hour per month. If you can assist in this outreach work, or want more details,
please call Gayl Callis at 436-0048 x 9.
SALVATION ARMY SOUP KITCHEN – Team #1 will serve next Monday, Oct. 28th;
and Team #5 will serve Tuesday, Oct. 29th, from 3:15 – 6:30 pm. For more information, please call Kevin Guy
at 436-0525.
FRIENDLY VISITORS – will meet Saturday,
Nov. 2nd, at 9:30 am. Our
regular bi-monthly gathering will concentrate on the skills needed for this
ministry. If you are a friendly
visitor, or wish to know more about how you can join this visiting ministry,
please join us in the Parish Meeting Room for this one-hour meeting after the 9
am Mass on All Souls Day. Refreshments
Our New MINISTRY to the POOR will be launched
soon! -
Would you consider volunteering 2 to 3 hours once every two weeks doing phone
intake or office/computer work? To
learn more about how you can be involved in our parish’s new SHARE program, please
call Gayl Callis at 436-0048 x 9.
Complete details on this new ministry appear in our recently published
October newsletter. Extra copies are
available on the tables in the back of the church.
Volunteers needed for CROSSROADS HOUSE Ministry –
Conception and St. Catherine’s are seeking parishioners who wish to work
together during the 5 pm evening meal one night per month. For more information, please call Gayl
Callis, Pastoral Associate, at 436-0048 x 9.
SUPPORT: In support of your Parish, last week you
generously gave: $5,875.54
needed weekly to meet budget $5,577.00
/Designated offerings:
Fuel $1,775.00
Repair Fund $ 259.00
All Souls $ 5.00
Propagation of the Faith $ 15.00
Tuition Assistance $ 40.00
TOTAL $7,971.54
Thank you for your support
of the ministry of our Parish.
to the parents of the children who were baptized last Sunday. We welcome these children into our faith
community: Caitlin
Abigail Cullinane, daughter of Christopher & Caroline Cullinane; Michael Mathewson Michaud,
son of Michael & Marcie Michaud; and Abigail Rose Marks,
daughter of John & Kelly Marks, and ask God to bless them as they
begin their journey of faith with the
risen Lord.
weekend, in accordance with our usual custom, we will take up our monthly
collection for the support of Operation Blessing and their ministry to those
less fortunate than we.
Feast of All Souls is celebrated on Saturday, Nov. 2nd. Remembrance envelopes were included in the
monthly mailing and are also available at the doors of the church. A special All Souls Mass will be celebrated
on Nov. 2nd at 9 am, and your special intentions will be set on the
altar during the month of November and remembered at each of our liturgies.
singles group with programs geared towards the spiritual, social, and
educations development of people over 40, is offering an evening with Matthew
Kelley Catholic author and speaker, tonight (Sunday) at St. Michael’s Church in
Exeter. Dinner will be available at
5:15 pm at The Loaf and Ladle in Exeter.
For reservations or more information, please call Kathy at
659-5010. A flyer on this is posted at
the doors of the church.
TO ITALY – sponsored
by St. Michael’s Church in Exeter will be held March 6 – 14th. For
additional information, please call Fr. Drouin at 772-2494. A flyer on this is on the bulletin board.
organization dedicated to helping and caring for women experiencing a pregnancy
crisis will host a coffee tomorrow (Monday) at 9:30 am at the their offices at
323 Islington St. All are invited to
COFFEE needs a few families to provide Coffee Hour Hospitality after the 9 am
Mass. The commitment involves arranging
for snacks, setting up and preparing coffee and juice, and cleaning up. Your family would rotate with other
ministries and family groups on a rotating basis. If you are considering this ministry, phone Alicia Cuttle, Sunday
Coffee Hour Coordinator at (207) 439-2518 or email
CRAFT FEST - Saturday October 26th. – Join us this coming Saturday from 9 am to
3 pm for our Craft Fest featuring various crafts, raffle; and a Harvest Brunch
prepared by renowned Chef Paddy Fitzgerald in the lower church hall. Come early for best selections and use the
Chatham St. entrance. No charge for
admission. Interested in participating
as a crafter or vendor? Some spaces are
still available, so please call Kathleen Dwyer at 433-1877 or
Marcia Hansen at 430-9564.
previously announced, our annual fuel collection is taken up this month to
assist the parish in underwriting the almost $20K annual expense for
utilities. An envelopes for your
offering was contained in the monthly mailing.
Additional fuel collection envelopes and a letter from the pastor
regarding this matter can also be found on the back table at the rear of the
Church. So far we have received $1966.00 towards this expense.
Donations may be made at your convenience this month by depositing your
offering in the offertory collection, dropping it off at the parish office, or
by mailing your offering to the parish.
Your generosity in this, our largest annual parish collection will be
greatly appreciated.
YOU – to our
parishioner Peter Loughlin who again
this year has grown and planted trees at Calvary Cemetery as part of our
continuing beautification project. We
appreciate his continuing dedication and kindness.
“This is the Covenant of
my Blood.”
Through ritual sacrifice, the Israelites acknowledged
their absolute dependence on God. The
shedding and sprinkling of blood from sacrificial animals was a symbolic way of
the covenant
between God and His people. The sacrifice
of Jesus, symbolized by the total out-pouring of his blood during his passion
and finally culminating with his death on the Cross, manifests the total self-giving
of the Son for the salvation of humanity.
His Death redeems us from sin, and establishes a permanent Covenant
between God and redeemed humanity.
Through the Eucharistic Sacrifice at each Mass, we come into contact
with this saving event every time we partake in the Eucharist. This saving act of Christ infinitely
surpasses all acts of “ritual cleaning.”
The death of Christ – the spilling of his blood – goes beyond symbol to
reality. The double
sacramental sign of Christ’s Body and Blood shows forth the sacrificial nature of his saving
death. Our sharing in the Eucharistic
cup is a sign of our communion with this ONE sacrifice.
Though the image of the pierced
side of the crucified Christ is very common in artistic depictions of the crucifixion, only John
records it in his passion narrative.
Throughout John’s gospel, water and blood figure prominently as signs
of salvation. Their appearance at the
“boundary point” between the living and sacrificed Jesus completes the “water
and blood” pattern found throughout the gospel. The discharge of blood unquestionably stressed the sacrificial
nature of Christ’s death. According to
the patristic exegetical tradition, the blood and the water symbolized the
Eucharist and Baptism, the principal sacraments of the Church, which were born
from the wounded side of Christ.