Parish Offices
are open Monday through Friday 8 AM to 4 PM.
Offices should be accessed at the rear door of the rectory.
Parish Hall
is located in the basement of St. Patrick School.
Please use the entrance closest to the parking lot.
Parish Meeting Room
is located in the basement of the rectory.
Please us the Austin Street entrance.
Father Brennan Room
is on the second floor of the church.
May be accessed from the rear (parking lot) entrance of the church.
Parish Conference Room
is located inside the Summer Street entrance of the rectory.
May be accessed through the front door.
(For all other rectory business, please use the rear door)
Parish Lower Church Hall
is located under the church via the Chatham Street entrance.
Reconciliation Room
is at the right side of the St. Joseph altar in the front of the church.
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