Immaculate Conception Church - Portsmouth, NH

Immaculate ConceptionChurch
98 Summer Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801-4398



Saturdays from 3 to 3:30 PM or by appointment.
Reconciliation room is at the front of the church.

Celebrated monthly on the third Sunday.
Parents are required to attend a Baptism Catechesis program.
Please contact the rectory 6 weeks in advance to schedule.

Please call the rectory at least six months in advance to schedule an initial interview.

Sacraments for the Sick
Please call the rectory to inform us if someone is
ill or homebound and in need of the sacraments.

First Reconciliation
Confession is scheduled each December for children in the second
grade and enrolled in the parish religious education program.

First Holy Eucharist
is scheduled each Spring for children in the second grade
and enrolled in the parish religious education program.

for high school students who have completed two years
in a parish confirmation program. It is celebrated jointly
with the other Portsmouth parishes each Spring.

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All Rights Reserved.

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