Immaculate Conception Church - Portsmouth, NH

Immaculate ConceptionChurch
98 Summer Street
Portsmouth, NH 03801-4398

Stained Glass Windows


These photographs present our beautiful Stained Glass Windows as seen from the Entrance of the Church (bottom) toward the Altar (top).

Apse Over Altar

Left = St. Patrick Preaching to the People of Ireland

Right = Coronation of Mary as Queen of Heaven

Left = Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Right = Marriage Feast of Cana

Left = Finding Jesus in the Temple

Right = Rising of Lazarus

Left = Jesus Blesses the Children

Right = Jesus Gives St. Peter the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven

Left = St. Dominic Receiving the Rosary--St. Catherine of Siena (background)

Right = Apparition of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to St. Margaret Mary

Left = St. Helena (left) and St. Dorothea (right)

Right = St. Bridget (left) and St. Rose of Lima (right)
Facade Over Organ

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Copyright © 1999-2001 by Glen Gordon and Immaculate Conception Church.
All Rights Reserved.