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Tel: 603-436-0048
Fax: 603-436-8848
"Mother Church of Seacoast New Hampshire"
Established 1851
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Mass Schedule
Sunday: 9:00 AM & 11:00 AM (Winter)
Sunday: 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM (Summer)
Weekdays and Holy Days as announced in bulletin
Welcome to the Immaculate Conception Catholic Church Community in Portsmouth, New Hampshire!
We, the Catholic family of Immaculate Conception, called by God and inspired by the humility and love of Mary the Mother of Jesus, strive to be a strong and joyful sign of the Kingdom of God by proclaiming the Good News, serving our brothers and sisters, growing in faith, building community, and continuing the mission of Jesus Christ in Portsmouth.
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