Christian Beelman
Will and Probate
Be it remembered that the 22nd day of November A. D. 1864 the last will and testament of Christian Beelman late of New Haven Township, Huron County, Ohio was presented to Geo. Z (?) Adams Probate Judge in and for said County for proof approval and record: said will and the proceedings thereon being in the words and figures following to wit:
WILL In the name of the Benevolent Father of All, I Christian Beelman of New Haven Township, Huron County, Ohio do make and publish this my last will and testament.
ITEM 1st I give and devise to my wife, Ann Jane, all the moneys and personal property of every description which I may own at my decease and this to be in ______(?) of the years allowance for her support and all others set offs and provisions under the statute out of my personal estate.
ITEM 2nd I give and bequeath to my said wife Ann Jane, during her natural life all the real estate I may die seized (?) of with a request that she reside on my home farm as long as my mother lives and carry out my obligations to her (my mother) as is provided in my fathers will.
ITEM 3rd Should my wife Ann Jane live longer than my mother then it is my will that it shall be optional with my wife, Ann Jane to either remain on and farm the land or to sell the same and with the proceeds to buy a small residence that she may select and place the balance of the proceeds on interest: and she my said wife to have the interest accruing on said money as her own.
ITEM 4th It is my will that the money I owe to my niece Eliza Ann Beelman under my fathers will if unpaid at my decease shall be a lien upon and payable out of my home farm.
ITEM 5th At the decease of my said wife Ann Jane, it is my will that the remaining assets be distributed as follows: To Sarah Flowers or her heirs Six Hundred Dollars: To Fannie, Elizabeth Ann and Agnes Beelman, daughters of my brother Andrew Beelman's first wife and my brother Andrew's children to his second wife, One Thousand Dollars to be divided equally among them: To Sarah Ellen Moncon (?) a good little if she remains and lives with my wife Ann Jane until she becomes eighteen years old, or if my wife Ann Jane should die before she becomes eighteen years old Three Hundred Dollars. And the remainder of the assets to be divided equally among John A. Eliza Ann and John M. Beelman: and should Eliza Ann die without issue before her portion become payable then John A. her brother is to have her portion and should John A. die before this money is payable to him then it is my will that Guardians be appointed for his children and the money kept of (?) till his the said John A's children arrive at the age of Twenty five years when the money is to be divided equally among them.
ITEM 6th I do hereby nominate and appoint my wife Ann Jane my executrix of this my will and testament and hereby authorize her to settle, adjust, and compromise all my business andst (?) authorize her to sell all or any of my real-estate by private sale or in any manner she may deem best and deeds to purchases to make and execute and deliver in fee simple for the purpose named in Item Three. I desire that no appraisement and no sale of my personal estate be made and that the Court of Probate direct the omission of the same in pursuance of the statute.
In testimony hereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 7th day of July 1864
Christian Beelman (seal)
Signed and acknowledged by said Christian Beelman as his last will and testament in our presence and signed by us in his presence and at his request
J. K. Kirtland
Joseph H. Beelman
State of Ohio Huron County ss | Probate Court Huron County Nov. 22, 1864
In matters of proving the last | Testimony of witnesses taken at Norwalk
will and testament of Christian | on proof of the due execution of said
Beelman deceased. | will this 22nd day of November A. D. 1864
We James K. Kirtland and Joseph H. Beelman each being first duly sworn and examined in open Court of Probate this 22nd day of November A. D. 1864 do depose and say that we are subscribing witnesses to the last will and testament of Christian Beelman late of the Township of New haven in the County of Huron aforesaid deceased. And these deponents further say that the said Christian Beelman the said testator (?) did in the presence of these deponents subscribe his name at the end of the instrument now shown and exhibited to be these deponents hereunto annexed and which purports to be the last will and testament of the said Christian Beelman and which bears date the seventh day of July in the year 1864. And these deponents further say that the said testator did at the said time of subscribing his name as aforesaid at the end of the said will declare the said instrument so subscribed to be his last will and testament. And these deponents J. K. Kirtland and Joseph H. Beelman did thereupon subscribe their names at the end of the said will as attesting witnesses thereto in the presence and at the request of the said testator and in the presence of each other. And their deponents further say that at the said time when the said testator subscribed his name to the said last willl as aforesaid and at the time of these deponents subscribing their names as such attesting witnesses thereto as aforesaid the siad testator was of full age and of sound mind and memory and was not under any restraint to the best of their knowledge and belief: and that said will now appears in all respects as when so executed, with out any alterations whatsoever, except such as appeared thereon at the time of executing the same as aforesaid.
James K. Kirtland
Joseph H. Beelman
Which said testimony was reduced to writing and subscribed and sworn to by said witnesses in open Court before me as Judge thereof this 22nd day of November A. D. 1864.
Geo. Z. (?) Adams Probate Judge
Probate Court Huron County Ohio November 22nd 1864
This day the last will and testament of Christina Beelman late of New Haven Township in the County of Huron and State of Ohio was produced in Court for proof approval and record. And James K. Kirtland and Christian Beelman * (* should have been Joseph H. Beelman) the subscribing witnesses to said will appeared in open Court and upon oath testified to the due execution of said will. And it appearing to the Court by said testimony that the said testator at the time of executing the siad will was of full age and of sound mind and memory and not under any restraint - And that proof of said will has been duly made and allowed as the law directs. It is therefore ordered that said will and testimony be recorded with the Certificate of Probate thereon: which is hereby accordingly done.
Geo. Z.(?) Adams Probate Judge