The Last Will & Testament of
Christina Bealman

Last Will of C. Bealman dec.~

In the Name of God Amen, I Christina Bealman of Allen Township in the County of Cumberland and State of Pennsylvania being weak in body but of sound an perfect mind and memory (blessed be God for the same) do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner and form following to wit.

First I commit my soul to almity [almighty] God who gave it me and my body to the earth from whence it came to be buried in a decent Christianable manner at the discretion of my executors hereinafter named in hopes of a Joyful resurraction [resurrection] through the merits of my Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ. And as touching such worley [worldly?] estate wherewith is hath pleased God to bless me with. I give and dispose thereof as followeth,

First it is my will as soon conveniently may be after my decease, that all my assets that is not particularly hereinafter disposed of, be appraised and sold and as soon as money can be had I order and direct that all my just debts and funeral expenses be first paid. And next it is my will that my executors provide five set marbel [marble] grave headstones and have them lettered one set for my deceased husband, Christopher Bealman, one set for myself, one set for my dec~ [deceased] daughter Sarah, late wife of Abraham Leamer; one set for my son dec~ David Bealman, one other set for my dec~ son Jacob Bealman and have them putey [?] at the graves of the afs~ [aforesaid] deceased persons and pay for the same out of my estate. And further it is my will that all the money that may be coming to me out of my father, John Branizer's estate and out of my brother, Michael Branizer's estate shall be received by my executors every year as it becomes due and put the same to interest until the whole is due and when the whole of the aforesaid money is had an the neat [net] amount of my estate known it is my will that the neat proceeds of my estate be divided into ten equil [equal] shares which I give and dispose in the following manner.

First I give and bequaith [bequeath] one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my daughter, Elizabeth now wife of John Smith, next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my (son is written and crossed out) daughter, Christina now wife of John Mumper, next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my son John Bealman, next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my son Christian Bealman, next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my son George Bealman, next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to the lawful issue or children of my daughter Sarah dec~d, late wife of Abraham Leamer to be equilly divided amount them.
Next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my daughter Barbara now wife of George Brandt, next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to the children or lawful issue of my daughter Catherine now wife of Robert Hetrick to be equilly divided among them and I further order and direct that the afs~ money be put to interest and the interest by my executor paid over to s~ [said] Catherine and the principal paid to the said children but if it should be that the said Robert Hetrick should decease before my daughter, Catherine, aforesaid then in that ease it is my will that the money be given to bequaither to the children of the afs~ Catherine shall be paid to the said Catherine together with its interest (if any there be), next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my daughter Mary Bealman together with the one half of my wearing apperil [apparel] (one black silk dress excepted) one of my beads and bedding and all of my flax but three bundles. Next I give and bequaith one tenth of the neat amount of my estate divided as afs~ to my daughter Anny Bealman together with the bead and bedding I now am in the habit licing [liking?] on my black silk dress and the one half of all my other wearing apperil and all my kitchen furniture and three bundles of my flax.

And further it is my will and I order and direct the legacy[?] or money left to the children of my daughter Sarah dec~ shall be put to interest by my executor and by him paid over to said children as they come of full age.

And lastly I make and appoint my son, George Bealman of Allen Township my sole executor of this my last will and testament desiring him to see the same performed to my true interest and meaning and I do revoke and disavail [?] all former and other will or will by me made and declare this only to be my last will and testament.

In witness whereof, the said Christina Bealman have herewithin set my hand and save this twenty forth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred twenty.

Christina (her mark) Bealman

Signed, sealed, and published by the said Christina Bealman to be her last will and testament in the presence of us whose names are hereinto written who did each of us subscribe as witness at her request and in her presence in the [?] apartment where she was.

Cumberland County, Ss

Personally came before me William Sine [?] Esquire Register for the probate of wills and granting letters of administration in and for Cumberland County John Rode [?] and John Bailey the two subscribing witnesses to the aforegoing instrument of writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Christiana Bealman dec~ and being duly sworn as the law directs depose and say that they seen and heard the Testatrix sign and seal, publish, pronounce, and declare the same as and for her last will and testament and that she was of a sound and disposing mind, memory, and understanding and that they subscribed their names thereto witnesses at the request of the testator and in the presence of each other.

Sworn and subscribed April 17, 1820 } John Rode
Before Wm Line, Reg~r } Jn Bailey

Be it remembered that on the 17th day of April Ab. 1820 the last will and testament of Christina Bealman dec~ was legally proven and letters of testamentary issued same day to George Bealman the executor therein named. Inventory and account to be exhibited into the Registers office at Carlisle in the time appointed be law ~

W Line Reg~